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Friday, June 27, 2014

Limbaugh erupts: GOP is ‘corrupt, reprehensible’

Conservative giant flays Republican Party

If you think conservative juggernaut Rush Limbaugh is a champion for the Republican Party, think again.

The nation’s top-rated radio host just launched a blistering attack on the GOP establishment, calling it “corrupt” and “reprehensible” for aligning with Democrats to defeat a tea-party Republican in a Senate primary runoff.

On Tuesday night, six-term Sen. Thad Cochran held off state Sen. Chris McDaniel by a narrow margin of 50.8 percent of the votes to 49.2 percent.

On Limbaugh’s Wednesday program, the host flayed the Republican Party’s tactics, holding up a flyer featuring photos of both candidates he said was indicative of the GOP’s efforts.



  1. Dem or Repub, it's all the same.. Stay in power so they can reap the ill-gotten profits by lying, cheating and stealing. Above all, they are POLITICIANS.

  2. Both parties are controlled by the same financial interests.

  3. Not a big Rush fan, but he is correct in that the Establishment GOP is as bad as the Democrat Socialist in their attempt to hold onto their kingdoms. They have forgotten that they work for us and that they are not so all-knowing as to have to tell us how to live our lives. People, they WORK FOR YOU and they are not working fro the federal government because they are too smart to work in the private sector. It is time to take our country back...Support conservatives and constitutionalist!

  4. ruling class elites stick together!
    right on Rush!

  5. There is a significant difference between the parties. I agree that the establishment Republicans are worthless. However, there is a groundswell of dissent in the GOP, exposing some possibly worthwhile candidates. Democrats, on the other hand, are pure trash - from the leaders of the party clear thru to the rank and file.


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