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Monday, June 23, 2014


Suggests law include 'conscience clause' for business owners to live faith

Peter and Hazelmary Bull run a bed and breakfast in the United Kingdom and were sued by two homosexuals when the Christian couple refused to rent them a bedroom in their business, which also is their home.

The fight brought on by the homosexuals went all the way to the nation’s highest court, resulting in an order that the Christian couple pay the “gay” duo a couple thousand dollars in damages.

All based on the idea of “nondiscrimination” laws where homosexuals are protected, but Christians are not. That Christians’ beliefs and practices must cede to the trendy notion of homosexuality.

It was one of the earliest cases – which now have spread across the globe and are being repeated in several locations in the United States – in which judicial authorities are ordering Christians to violate their faith in order to accommodate the desires of “gays.”

Now a key judge in that British court case is having second thoughts.

Serious second thoughts.



  1. Christians must practice tolerance, but other groups don't, give me a break!


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