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Thursday, June 26, 2014

If The Clintons Are Worth 50 Million, Why Do They Get Nearly A Million A Year From The Taxpayers?

Since leaving the White House, the Clintons have earned at least 100 million dollars and currently have a net worth of up to 50 million dollars. So why in the world do the taxpayers need to give Bill Clinton $944,000 to fund his extravagant lifestyle in 2014? If ordinary Americans truly understood how much money many former politicians are being handed every year they would go bananas. According to a Congressional Research Service report that was published earlier this year, the federal government has given a total of nearly 16 million dollars to Bill Clinton since 2001. Each one of those dollars is a dollar that some U.S. taxpayer worked really hard for or that we had to borrow. Yes, we don’t want our former presidents to go broke for a whole bunch of reasons, but it is absolutely absurd that we are showering them with millions upon millions of dollars.

Yesterday, I wrote about the trouble that Hillary has caused for herself by claiming that the Clintons were “dead broke” when they left the White House.

The way things have been set up, there is no way in the world that any former president is going to be “dead broke” ever again unless the law is changed.



  1. these number are wrong... Hillary was on TV last week explaining that they could not pay all of their mortgages..

  2. Doesn't seem to matter who, once they get to the trough they don't want to go away, they want to continue feeding on the taxpayer's dime. Washington/Annapolis is full of Piranha hoping to strip taxpayers to the bone.

  3. It is called a pension which you get, rich or not.

  4. Stop picking on those poor Clintons

  5. 1:43, who works at their job for 4 to 8 years and gets a pension like that? After all the money they earn or did not earn in their term. Why do we keep paying them after they are out of office. Plus they make money on the side making speeches and the likes. There is a reason they speed millions to get into office and it is not for the PEOPLE.map


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