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Friday, June 27, 2014

HUMPHRIES: The cheapening of American citizenship!

I’m proud to be an American. I have always been patriotic and loved my nation’s history. The 1976 Bicentennial was one of my favorite years. Everyone was patriotic. The red, white, and blue was seen everywhere. We were ALL proud to be Americans!

Now it’s less and less exceptional to be a citizen of the USA. Growing up, it seemed like we were in the best, most exclusive club in the world. Saying “We are Americans!” meant something. But today it means “Move over, Buster, and open up your wallet.”

Politicians care only about themselves and the votes they need, so they are selling out our country and our exceptionalism to the biggest potential voting blocs. Yes, when we don’t check ID at voting booths and we repeal voting restrictions, illegals vote and we all know it!

We are more concerned today with hurting someone’s feelings than we are about hurting our country and our children.


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