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Thursday, June 19, 2014

House budget punishes IRS with 15% cut, halts Obamacare enforcement

The Internal Revenue Service is about to get slapped with a harsh payback for messing around with conservative groups, blowing wads of tax dollars on employee conferences and helping implementObamacare.

The House Appropriations Committee is set to OK an IRS budget of $10.9 billion, $1.5 billion under President Obama's request for fiscal year 2015, reducing the agency's budget to 2008 levels.

The goal is to keep the tax agency focused on its “core duties,” and eliminate efforts to judge the political activities of tax-exempt groups and brake its implementation of Obamacare.

The funding is part of a larger $21 billion bill for several agencies including the IRS, Treasury Department and Securities and Exchange Commission. Noting that it cuts $2.3 billion from the president's overall request, Chairman Hal Rogers said, “the bill focuses cuts on lower-priority or poor-performing agencies, such as the scandal-plagued and inefficient Internal Revenue Service.”



  1. Let's hope that holds in the long run.

    They need to be operationally curtailed in their activities!

  2. It'll never get thru the senate.

  3. More games of charades by the GOP. They are truly pathetic.

  4. Boehner will not hold fast on this.. He doesn't have the balls. The House approves the Presidents budgets not the Senate.

  5. 11:51.. really, you have the nerve to talk about the games and charades of the GOP when your party has the infamous Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi... How many bills does Reid have on his desk that he wont even allow to go to committee? My lord, I wish the GOP was half as good at the games as the Socialist you support are...


  6. Revenue bills originate in the House.

    The budget requires both houses to concur. Each may pass a separate measure but the final budget requires them to agree.

    We went for 4 or 5 years w/o a budget because Dingy Harry never passed one through the Senate.

    They (both houses & parties) kept the lights on by passing 'continuing resolutions' authorizing continued spending at last actual budget level. And then a variety of non-budgeted expenses met joint approval.

    To have a chance to turn this around will require holding the House and taking the Senate.

  7. Let's hope their purse string control is proliferative. It's about time they use it!


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