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Monday, June 09, 2014

Holder Seeks Legal Team For Children On Border

The Obama administration announced a program late last week that would provide attorneys for the young illegal immigrant children crossing in waves over the U.S.-Mexico border, saying they want to make sure the unaccompanied minors are getting fair legal representation.

The joint project between the Justice Department and AmeriCorps, the government’s national service organization, aims to recruit 100 lawyers and paralegals to shepherd the children through the immigration system, making sure they are treated properly and can make claims for legal status or protection if they are eligible.

“We’re taking a historic step to strengthen our justice system and protect the rights of the most vulnerable members of society,” Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said in a statement announcing the plan.



  1. Holder is as bad as Obama, or worse. He refuses to uphold our Countries laws.

  2. This is UFB... we will be paying for their lawyers...

  3. 4:04 I agree Holder is scum so is that no good POS Obama along with Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi along with most of the democrats and that low life down in florida what ever the hell that bitch's name is.

  4. Anybody ever heard of the cloward piven strategy? This is just another piece of the grand scheme to overload and collapse America. Just like with everything else, the government creates a crisis and then inserts itself as the solution. It spends more borrowed money and grows government with new departments, agencies and programs, and gets more people dependant on them through freebies and//or employment. It's been going on for decades now. Sooner (which WILL be the case), or later, it has got to collapse.

  5. From what I hear, Mexico is about to appoint a team of advocates to aid in the release of the Marine they are holding, in part due to their great appreciation for us allowing 15 MILLION of their citizens to illegally enter our country and our generosity towards them, such as welfare payments, education benefits, fast-track citizenship efforts, food stamps, health care, and the release of thousands of them who have committed thousands of felonies. They really appreciated, too, us allowing their President to lecture us, in front of our own Congress, about our failure to do more for all the llegal immigrants who have flooded our country and cost American taxpayers hundreds of BILLIONS.
    Ok. I made that up. But I HOPE they let that one guy go. If WE can trade 5 bad guys for one deserter, they can SURELY trade 15 million for one guy. Sort of like pesos to dollars conversion rates.

  6. spot on 5:46. we're just about there. the plan all along is right on pace.


  7. Think he should send all DOJ lawyers to Mexico's southern border. They can walk north toward TX, AZ & NM to seek out the kiddies. Survivors can cross back into US accompanied by their new client. Eric the Pardoner should lead the effort in person.

  8. ... and protect the rights of free loaders. Lets strive for 90% dependency. The wealthy 10% can fund it all.

  9. Could we trade O'Bumbler, Holder, Reid, Pelosi and Owe'Malley for the Sgt. held in Mexico?


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