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Friday, June 13, 2014

Hillary Says She Won't Turn Over Benghazi Notes

In an interview during a media tour to promote her latest memoir, Hillary Clinton acknowledged that she kept extensive notes during the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi but said that she won’t turn them over to congressional investigators if asked.

“Did you keep a diary during your time?” NBC News’ Cynthia McFadden asked Clinton in an interview on Tuesday.

“I kept a lot of notes,” said Clinton.

McFadden followed up, asking the former secretary of state what she would do with the notes if they were requested by a House Select Committee appointed to investigate the attack — which left U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead.

“If the committee wants your notes, would you turn those over?”

“They can read it in the book,” said Clinton, referencing her book “Hard Choices,” which was released amid much buzz on Tuesday.



  1. 5th Amendment, but since she's hiding the truth, realize that when you go to vote.

  2. The committee should bring her in and demand she turn them over. If she refuses, she should be jailed. They are evidence in what may be a crime against our country. I'd bet she went home and destroyed many of them. Maybe mark Levin should have his legal foundation issue a PIA... since she kept them as a government employee that are government property.

  3. yea 8:21 because those nasty republicans are picking on her and why should she have to testify "what difference does it make" im hilary and you cant touch me. im gonna be the next president cause its my turn. leave us hilary go back to the rock you crawled out from and let us return this country to the people

  4. Arrogance is her best trait. POS

  5. Lock her butt up in general population for 30 days and she would be glad too talk and turn over notes Oh don't forget Lois Learner !!!

  6. And the house frows will make it a "best seller", buy into her nonsense, and even vote for her... all in the name of getting a woman (No matter how incompetent) into the White House.

  7. Notes taken that directly relate to her position while working within the Government are in fact the property of the United States Government and her failure to release them to the Government is criminal as much of the information could be considered classified.

  8. @9:48 Really? Your comment helps me to understand you don't know your head from your a$$. She is refusing to hand over what is technically government property. I am sure the families of those killed would like an explanation as to what happened. They DESERVE to know the truth. Mrs Clinton should be jailed for obstruction of justice.


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