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Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Group Attacked For Being White In Cincinnati

A Cincinnati man says that a group of black teenagers yelled at him and a group of white people “Why are you white people in our neighborhood?” before attacking him, in what police are investigating as a hate crime.

The attacks occurred at the three-day Taste of Cincinnati event last Sunday.

The annual event attracts over half a million visitors to the area. But it also apparently attracted violent groups of young people.

A police report obtained by The Daily Caller classifies attacks on two men, Scottie Hunter and Randy Ulses, as hate crimes.

The report says that Ulses, white, was being punched in the face by a black male and kicked by a group of black males. Hunter, who is also white, was assaulted by a group including black males and black females, according to the report.

The hate crime is classified as “Anti-White” on the report.

Reached by phone, Hunter confirmed that his attackers mentioned race before beating him.

“Why are you white people in our neighborhood? Who do you think you are?” they yelled before the beating, according to Hunter.



  1. These events will cause a revolution.. Where is Jessy or Big Fat Al denouncing these events...

  2. They are all real tough when it is ten on one. Let them come at me by themselves and they will be limping back, if they can even walk.

  3. They got a taste of Cincinati

  4. Nothing here should shock anyone. After all, we have a lying kenyan king for a president, a lying piece of garbage for an Attorney General and democrats running the country who have no idea what the truth is. We put ourselves in this predicament and 12:14 is correct, civil war is fast approaching. The spark that will tear down this country will arise from such acts. We need true leaders, not community organizers who are racist and corrupt.

  5. I hope their MOMMY's paid their medical insuranceJune 3, 2014 at 4:38 PM

    38,000 of Black Teens coming to Ocean City this weekend....

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    These events will cause a revolution.. Where is Jessy or Big Fat Al denouncing these events...

    June 3, 2014 at 12:14 PM

    NO, it will not. That would require action of the part of people. If they cannot do it with a keyboard or game controller, it will not get done.

    How many people have gotten killed and their pets killed and nothing is being done? If nobody will stand up when others and their pets are being murdered, you expect a little racial tension to bring them off their couches?

    Dream on.

  7. bring it on! tns!

  8. Your right it will cause a revolution and civil war is coming and you know who started it? That's right the RACIST BLACKS!!!!! They started and WE WILL FINISH IT!!!!

  9. Why is it that if it was Race Reverse it would make headline news - every channel - breaking news? Where is the Equality???????????

  10. Anonymous said...
    Your right it will cause a revolution and civil war is coming and you know who started it? That's right the RACIST BLACKS!!!!! They started and WE WILL FINISH IT!!!!

    June 3, 2014 at 10:07 PM

    Even IF 'civil war' were started, which it won't, you won't win. But it's your fantasy so you can have it end any way you wish.


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