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Monday, June 02, 2014

Female-named Hurricanes Kill More Than Male Hurricanes Because People Don’t Respect Them, Study Finds

People don’t take hurricanes as seriously if they have a feminine name and the consequences are deadly, finds a new groundbreaking study.

Storms with female names have historically killed more people because they neither consider them as risky nor take the same precautions, the study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences concludes.

Researchers at the University of Illinois and Arizona State University examined six decades of hurricane death rates according to gender, spanning 1950 and 2012. Of the 47 most damaging hurricanes, the male-named hurricane produced an average of 23 deaths compared to 45 deaths for female-named hurricanes, or almost double the number of fatalities. (The study excluded Katrina and Audrey, outlier storms that would skew the model).


  1. We demand storms with transgender names.

    We demand storms with names from other cultures.

    Jeesh! Any control for changes in technology? Man in the street interviews? Walk of Shame after having your shack knocked down by female hurricane? Tough female name (Bertha) vs. feminine name (Michele)?

    People got paid to come up with this concept and pursue it??

  2. Then people are stupid. Its called culling the herd.

  3. I can believe that. I know a lot of people that don't take females seriously.

  4. Exactly 1:07. If you are that stupid that the name of the hurricane influences whether to take it serious or not then you deserve to die.

  5. Same mentality exists where I work. Didn't realize it was such a universal widespread problem. I just thought it was my mentally challenged passive aggressive lying boss.
    He is more of a blow hard than an actual hurricane.

  6. Darwin! Weeding out the weak, Thank you!

  7. Six decades of storms, with all but the last few years entirely named after women. Then, lets take into account that 5 and 6 decades ago we did not have the forecasting and early warnings about strength and landfall that we do today. Another case of you can make stats say anything you want them to. Just like the "climate change" aka "global warming" lobbyists!

  8. First, there was an Ice Age. Then, it warmed up. The trends wax and wane. Nature moves in her own way. And hurricanes have always been badass, and will be again this year. Man is not in charge of this; God is.

    I'm ready, Lord.

    Oops, this is not a Christian nation! I like totally forgot! Bad on me!


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