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Tuesday, June 17, 2014


(Salisbury,MD) A heat wave is expected to grip our region in the next few days. Temperatures will be in the upper 90 degrees with the heat index reaching over 100 degrees. Infants, young children, young athletes, obese persons, those older than 65 years of age, and those persons with diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease or a mental illness are at increased risk for a heat related illness. A heat-related illness can become life-threatening very quickly.

The Wicomico County Health Department urges everyone to practice these stay cool safety tips: 

Seek air-conditioned environments such as malls, libraries and public places. Stay indoors.

Schedule outdoor activities before 10:00 am and after 6:00 pm.
Take a cool bath or shower.

Minimize direct exposure to the sun, if you must be outdoors, seek shade.

Stay hydrated – regularly drink water or other nonalcoholic fluids.

Eat light, cool, easy-to-digest foods such as fruit or salads.

Limit using the stove or oven to keep the house cooler. 

Check on others; co-workers, the elderly, and those living alone.

Wear loose fitting, light-colored clothes.

Bring pets indoors. If they must remain outside make sure they have shade and plenty of clean, fresh water.

"At this time, we do not anticipate opening cooling centers in Wicomico County. For up to date information and stay cool tips, visit our website at www.wicomicohealth.org.” says Lori Brewster, Health Officer.


  1. Thanks ran home an put pouch in the house. Now I'm gonna run around town to bust windows Out of cars with animals In them. fair warning folks.if you left your animal in a vehicle and your windows busted keep quiet and except you messed up. Call the cops and get charged as well. Love it. Saving a life especially a life that can't speak for itself Feels good. Animal or human.

  2. Glad to hear there are others who care for the pets as much as I do!!!!!! Save an animal who can't speak up. They will love you unconditionally forever!!!!

  3. 11:44-While you are doing that be careful not to park next to a fire hydrant.

  4. No worries. I'm a ff. I'm smarter Than that.

  5. OMG! It is summertime and the heat is unbearable. The government is here to help you survive summer. BTW, it is 78 degrees in Miami.

  6. Wboc tonite sounds like the nanny state tv,we dont know what to do because it's hot so they will spend 20 minutes telling us when Wicomico Co continues it's downslide and not a word.

  7. OMG. Stay inside, turn up the A/C, drink alcoholic beverages constantly, and don't come out until night. Then, fall down.

  8. 9:12 Average day for most here... except, you have to throw in drive drunk up to the Moose/Elks/etc, rinse, repeat.


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