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Friday, June 06, 2014

Donald Sterling agrees to deal to sell the Clippers for $2 BILLION

Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling agreed Wednesday to sign off on selling the team to former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer for what would be a record $2 billion, according to his attorney.

Sterling 'has made an agreement with the NBA to resolve all their differences' and as co-owner has given his consent to a deal that was negotiated by his wife, Shelly Sterling, to sell the team, said attorney Maxwell Blecher.

Representatives for Shelly Sterling declined to comment.



  1. The sure showed him! Laughing all the way to the bank.

  2. Is there such a thing as a million any more? All you ever hear about these days are all of the billions people have.Donald would really laugh if he saw my bank account.

  3. It is a shame that another White Citizen has had to bow down to RACIST AFRICAN AMERICANS!!!!!

  4. Bow down? He's getting 2 Billion Dollars! AND, a new girlfriend or three!

    Hey, where do I bow down? I'll go for that!

  5. I'm with you in that. A**hole gets 2 billion for getting set up by his ugly side chick. Poor guy...lol

  6. I would guess if a person amasses that much wealth you don't give a crap what anybody thinks of you. With his kind of cash you can get all the trim you can stand, and no matter how much money he gives his old nagging wife she is still gonna bitch.


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