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Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Delaware Medevac Unit Readies For Overseas Deployment

It was a bittersweet day for the Delaware Army National Guard on Monday as it prepares to send 20 members of its medevac unit to Kuwait.

The soldiers with 1-126th Aviation unit will leave behind family and friends for almost a year. The time away includes almost two months of training at Fort Hood in Texas, where the soldiers will meet and train in conjunction with a larger unit.

A nine month deployment to Kuwait will follow.

"We wish 'em Godspeed and we assure our soldiers that we're there to take care of their families," said Maj. Gen. Frank Vavala, the Delaware National Guard's commanding officer.

1 comment:

  1. Funny no more hazardous duty pay ???? Easy thing to do when you lilly white ass is sitting state side Col.


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