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Sunday, June 08, 2014

Delaware Closes I-495 Bridge Because Of Column Tilt

DOVER, Del. (AP) — Delaware officials on Monday ordered the emergency closure of the Interstate 495 bridge over the Christina River in Wilmington after discovering that four support columns are tilting.

The 4,800-foot bridge normally carries about 90,000 vehicles a day on I-495, which diverts traffic around the city of Wilmington and toward the Port of Wilmington. The route parallels Interstate 95, which runs through downtown Wilmington.

"We understand that there will be a significant impact to the traveling public," said state Transportation Secretary Shailen Bhatt.


  1. a least someone inspected it before the bridge fell over and killed someone...

    We all know they won't fix shit unless it hurts someone...

  2. Oh boy...that's really going to suck if you are headed to parts north!

  3. If you stand at one end It leans to the right.If you stand at the other it leans to the left.Does anyone know where I'm going with this?

  4. 9:55 AM

    no one cares. go back to kindergarten if you want to play riddle me this. geesh

  5. I guess I'll have to go by boat or plane!

  6. 9:58-It's a territorial thing,where that structure is actually a political divide,seriously.Predominantly Democratic on one end and Republican on the other.We report,you decide.

  7. 10:37 AM

    oh for god's sake. yes, you're very clever. here's your gold star. now be a good boy and go sit down.

  8. A "Good Eye" award goes to the worker who caught this! 2.4 degrees is a LOT, and just the beginning of what could have been a MAJOR disaster!

    Thank you, whoever you are. You just saved a LOT of lives, and money as well!

  9. 5:40 PM

    If 2.4 degrees is a LOT, it should not be that difficult to spot would it?

    I'm just glad you didn't call him a hero.

  10. 601 some of you seem to enjoy glowing in your own ignorance

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    601 some of you seem to enjoy glowing in your own ignorance

    June 3, 2014 at 7:17 PM

    only to be outdone by the likes of you. if you can't make a valid point, why even open your stupid pie hole?

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    601 some of you seem to enjoy glowing in your own ignorance

    June 3, 2014 at 7:17 PM

    What are you even talking about? Do you even know? You call him ignorant but yet you do not disclose even a trivial amount of information for us to glean what you are trying to say.


  13. I would hate to deal with that traffic mess.

  14. You are all missing the point that there are regular inspections of everything on this bridge. WHO is responsible for the last inspections. This could not have "JUST" happened.. had to happen over a period of time. How many inspectors should lose their jobs??


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