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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Delaware Bill Targets Drunken Driving

DOVER, Del. (AP) - The state House has unanimously approved a bill requiring all people convicted of drunken driving in Delaware to have ignition interlock devices installed on vehicles they drive.

Currently, interlock devices are required only for first offenders arrested with a blood-alcohol concentration of .15 or higher or who refuse to take a chemical test, and for repeat drunk drivers.

The bill that was approved Tuesday and sent to the Senate requires the use of an interlock device for at least four months for a first offense.



  1. What a waste of time, this does nothing to stop drunk drivers, mandatory 30 days in jail period! Lost job, lost home, lost wife and kids, now that might stop some of these fools, I say might, because many of the drinkers are idiots! How many times have we read and reread about so and so has 6, 7 10 DUI's, it ain't working, so we have to be harsher!
    Turkey cuts off your head for drunk driving, not too many doing over there because of that penalty!

  2. If all it takes to get rid of my wife and job is getting a DUI, then I'm going drinking n driving tonight.


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