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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

DC Political Bubble Is Set to Burst

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor's shocking loss in his primary last week left many observers wondering if the fallout would spark a GOP leadership shuffle. Cantor's opponent, econ professor Dave Brat, with a shoe-string budget and zero support from national tea party "organizations," ran a classic grassroots campaign and bested the powerful incumbent by more than ten points. With an increased turnout from two years ago, the result had all the markings of a real voter revolt.

Within hours of Cantor's defeat, though, the House GOP caucus rallied around his deputy, House Whip Kevin McCarthy, to replace him as number two in leadership. Rather than reflect on whether Cantor's loss signaled a larger issue, Republicans circled the wagons to preserve the status quo.

This is a bit like Lincoln replacing McClellan with the general's less-accomplished twin brother.



  1. this is why it is so important to make sure every conservative you know gets out to vote in November.. This is the establishment politicians doing what they do, trying to protect the status quo... Vote them all out!

  2. this is why it is so important to make sure every conservative you know gets out to vote in November.. This is the establishment politicians doing what they do, trying to protect the status quo... Vote them all out!

  3. We all need to not just wait for November,

  4. DON'T JUST WAIT FOR NOVEMBER, voting is going on right now FOR THE PRIMARIES! Vet your candidates well; there are RINO'S on the GOP ballot. Sort them out and vote.

    If you are Democrat and want to stop the madness, please pick the weakest on your tickets and vote them in to run in November.


  5. I live on the shore about 80 miles as the crow flies from dc. I bet on election night in Nov. if the wind is still I will be able to hear politicians sobbing from my house. Can't wait.


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