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Friday, June 06, 2014

D-Day Veterans Remember Invasion

Seventy years ago this morning, Bill Swanner crawled through hell.

It was still dark when the 19-year-old infantryman joined the more than 150,000 Allied soldiers making the secretive passage out of England for Normandy. Dawn was breaking when he dropped into the water short of Omaha Beach.

Now he was on the sand, in the smoke, crawling past the mines and through the corpses, a 50-pound water-cooled machine gun in his hands, pushing through withering German fire to get to the hedgerows beyond the beach.



  1. Thank you to all the Surviving Vets that fought on D-Day and Thank you to all those who lost their lives on this day for fighting until the end! I do apologize for our country GIVING UP on you and FAILING you in everyway that we have and can!

  2. Thanks for your service


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