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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Coney Island Principal Bans Another ‘USA Song’ From Graduation

A Coney Island principal has put the kibosh on patriotism — again.

Greta Hawkins caused a furor when she barred her PS 90 kindergartners from singing “God Bless the USA” at their graduation ceremony in 2012.

Now she has stopped pre-K kids from singing “Stand Up for the Red, White and Blue” at their June 19 moving-up ceremony.

A class of 4-year-olds was rehearsing the song — which they would belt out while marching into the auditorium waving mini-American flags — when Hawkins (top) halted the patriotic parade.




  2. Piece of Trash. Love it or leave it!

  3. Just another liberal Obama voter. However she is the vice principle which means she has the support of the principal. Folks, these kids are in the USA by choice. Either they learn the American way or get the Hell out.

  4. We can not allow them to take our country from us...

  5. Lady this is the United States of American and these children should be singing all about this country. If you do not like the USA, then leave. The kids should march in and sing it anyway, waving their little flags. Not enough flag American flag waving in this country anyway. Teach them young and teach them right, to love their country and sing about it too.

  6. Another America hating Obamacrat.These people need to leave this country if they dislike it so much. How any school district can get away with this is unbeliveable . The more I see this kind of crap the more I HATE democrats.I have always belived in the two party system but I now think the only salvation for the american way of life is armed conflict.

  7. Anonymous said...
    Lady this is the United States of American and these children should be singing all about this country. If you do not like the USA, then leave. The kids should march in and sing it anyway, waving their little flags. Not enough flag American flag waving in this country anyway. Teach them young and teach them right, to love their country and sing about it too.

    June 9, 2014 at 3:43 PM

    It all started several years ago when you idiot liberal Democrats fought to ban the Confederate Battle Flag from government buildings. Then you idiots forced colleges like the Tennessee Volunteers and the Ole Miss Rebels from waiving the Confederate Battle Flag during Football games. You idiots caved into that pressure and now you are caving into more Patriotic hating pressure.

    I would suggest you back pedal and join your Southern Bretheren to start waving that Battle Flag again.

  8. So we want to be like China and Russia, indoctrinate our children to follow the government blindly?
    Turn it into a mind controlling religion that sells them: the all powerful USA above all.
    March to the brainwashing.

  9. Send her packing. If people are offended by things that promote patriotism they are free to go back to the country they came from.
    Funny they move here to get away from the bad things in other countries but want to change the way we do things here.....pretty soon it will be just like where they came from. I guess it is all the free crap we give them when they arrive.

  10. 6:28...are you that stupid or just trying to BE stupid? There is a HUGE difference between patriotism and indoctrination.
    This no good captitalist piece of trash country SAVED THE WORLD. TWICE. We have provided benefits, education, and forgiveness to MILLIONS of people who have literally invaded us. We FEED hundreds of millions of people (at our taxpayer expense) around the world. Are we perfect? Of course not. Should we be proud of our history, accomplishments, and character? Damn right. DAMN RIGHT.
    More patriotism and less "poor me" BS. More patriotism and less "'you OWE me this and that". More patriotism and less apologies for who and what we are.
    Or go find another place to whine and feel bad about being American.

  11. Until something is done TO these people nothing will change.

  12. Typical U.S $hitizen ... probably doen't even know the capital of New York State.

  13. I guess it is getting to the point that most schools have more nonamericans in them than Americans. Why else would people be offended by anything that is patriotic and part of our history.

  14. So if people are offended by this can they claim the principal is anti American and Rev Jesse and Al will come protest for them?


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