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Friday, June 13, 2014

Concerns about Electricity Price Gouging Raised

Consumer advocates ask for investigation into misleading marketing tactics

Helen Ramirez-Odell thought she'd done her research when she selected Spark Energy in 2011 for her electricity. So she was taken aback earlier this year when her monthly rate suddenly jumped by 50 percent.

"When I realized it, I called Spark Energy to ask for an explanation, and they said their rates weren't guaranteed, they were variable," the Chicago resident said.

In response to a growing number of complaints from electricity customers about pricing, the Citizens Utility Board and the city of Chicago on Wednesday petitioned the state's electricity regulator to launch a statewide investigation into misleading marketing tactics by some electricity suppliers.



  1. This is only the beginning.
    If wind energy is installed, we will see our power bills skyrocket because it is difficult to integrate into the grid and requires 100% back up. This means we will pay 150% for electricity when the wind is blowing.

  2. Thank God for smart meters! My bill has decreased 30 % since it was installed!

  3. We have gone round and round with Delmarva power they seem to be able to charge what ever they want. They sent a huge bill that was 10 times the normal bill and said pay it or we will turn you off.

  4. 10:24: That's a lie. The rates have changed from winter to summer so rates are lower. Most smart meters aren't operational until sometime in july.

  5. 8:52, yeah, us too. wish we can just let them cut it off. we only use what we need when we need it, but that's not good enough for them.
    w even do things to conserve they haven't even considered.


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