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Monday, June 02, 2014

Chili's and Sonic join Chipotle as latest chains to ban guns

'We recognize that the open carry of firearms creates an uncomfortable atmosphere and is not permitted under many local liquor laws,' Ashley Johnson, a spokeswoman for Chili's' parent company, Brinker International, said in an email to the Huffington Post. 'So, we kindly ask that guests refrain from openly carrying firearms into our restaurants and we will continue to follow state and local laws on this issue.'

A spokesperson for Sonic told the website that it will follow all laws allowing restaurant patrons to store guns in their vehicles if they choose to dine at one of their restaurants - which are primarily drive-up patios - but they don't want weapons outside of the vehicles.

'We’re asking that customers refrain from bringing guns onto our patios or into our indoor dining areas,' Patrick Lenow, Sonic's vice president of public relations, told the website.

Johnson suggested that the two chains coordinated to set a common gun policy, saying 'When issues like this happen, we always talk to others in the industry to get their perspective.'



  1. Let them ban them... They will need us sooner or later when people start getting robbed...

    then you let them simmer when they want/need you back to protect them...

    I think we should boycott any and all places who deny us this right in their establishment... YES I KNOW IT IS THE OWNERS CHOICE TO ALLOW OR NOT ALLOW GUNS IN THEIR ESTABLISHMENTS...

    ALWAYS REMEMBER, can your gun fight against drones and tanks? NO so what the fuck do you think sticks and stones will do?

    and if you don';t think the govt will shoot you, go look up kent state... where govt troops shot college students for a protest...

  2. Almost immediately there was an armed robbery at a Sonic in OK. These declarations look like open invitations to come get my money.

  3. Ok. They can ban customers that have permits to bear arms. So how is this legal when a baker can't refuse to bake a cake for a couple of queers in a State where gay marriage is illegal?

  4. OK bakers could make cake lethal!

    On a lighter note, a gun left out in the car and not in control of it's licensed owner is more dangerous to the establishment than if it's kept on his/ her person. That's just plain and simple. Outlawing guns in "certain" places makes for a very complicated day for a carrier, if you think about it. It really flies in the face of "Responsible" gun ownership. When I carry, I am very responsible to not let it get into the wrong hands. Leaving it unattended is just plain against all rules of responsibility.

    Besides, 2A recognizes that I have a right that cannot be infringed upon. EVER. It's not yours to take, and I will carry despite you!

  5. all the law breakers will be going to these stores, so I advise everyone else to stay away if you value YOUR life. duh....

  6. This applies to open carry. People with CCW can still carry at these restaurants since no one knows/should know that they are packing heat. Not very relevant in MD since CCW permits are so difficult to obtain, but in some states there are plenty of people with CCW's.


  7. On principle, have no problem avoiding these chains. Still permitted to carry my wallet.

  8. I truly hope there are several killings at these places! As for me and my family, we will no longer be eating at these communist liberal places!

  9. Gerald said...
    I truly hope there are several killings at these places! As for me and my family, we will no longer be eating at these communist liberal places!

    June 2, 2014 at 10:23 PM

    Checkers is liberal as well and owned by entitlement thugs like Al Sharpton.

  10. The same should go for cops if everybody wants to be fair!

  11. Two more I will stop eating at!

  12. Chick Fil a has a large LEO customer base, and when they are in there with their sidearms on, I feel safer. Sonic sucks anyway, Chipotle and Chili's likes their food more than mu wallet does, so there's really no need for me to go there anyway.

    And when I have my sidearm on, I feel safer than ever! (ssshhhhhhh!)


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