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Friday, June 13, 2014

'Chickens are coming home to roost': Congress hits WH for Iraq pullout

Members of Congress, many of them military veterans who fought in Iraq, pummeled the Obama administration on Thursday for its 2011 troop withdrawal from the Middle Eastern country.

They argued that leaving a detachment of U.S. troops there would have prevented the al-Qaeda-related group ISIL, the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, from steamrolling a murderous path from Mosul to towns near Baghdad.

On Wednesday the group took control of Tikrit, the hometown of former dictator Saddam Hussein.

ISIL militants have beheaded a crucified Iraqis who stand in the way of their push for a Shariah-compliant state that stretches across sections of Syria and northern Iraq.

'This is a desperate situation. It’s moving quickly,' Missouri Republican Sen. Roy Blunt said Thursday. He sits on the Senate Armed Services Committee.

'It appears to me that the chickens are coming home to roost for the president’s policy of not leaving anybody there to be a stabilizing force.'



  1. Saw this coming from a mile off and three years before it.
    They thought that they were leaving Iraq with a more or less stable government and a domestic peace keeping army. Ask anybody on the ground there how accurate that was, as if revolutionary contingents gave up in the face of the great American president.
    We are so screwed.

  2. Any American who lost their lives in Iraq, did so for nothing. Shame and dishonor on Obama.


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