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Saturday, June 07, 2014

Charles Manson granted parole? Hoax goes viral!

A viral hoax is going viral about Charles Manson being granted parole, but this is certainly a hoax since it has originated from a satire news website. Nonetheless, numerous people have been sharing the hoax story on social media, falling for it in belief that the notorious cult leader is being released. Many people are sharing this false story not realizing that other stories on the same site are clearly satire -- such as claims that the women of Duck Dynasty plan on posing nude together in a calendar!

Hoaxes like these come and go, and many of them do go viral to the point of making news. Many times celebrities are the targets of death hoaxes (usually on Twitter) and other times satire sites like the aforementioned print false stories about whatever they please. This satirical hoax about Charles Manson being released from prison clearly comes as a response to the latest news about Manson associate Bruce Davis being granted parole. His old age and other factors have led to the early parole, but the reality of the matter is that Davis may never be released.

So if you're among those who have fallen for this hoax: No, Charles Manson was not granted parole. Be sure to pass on the info!



  1. obamie would release him , that's his buddy .

  2. Another Manson follower "Tex" Watson became a christian early in his incarceration and became a pastor serving those he's incarcerated with and has remained faithful to that. Among other blessings he has married, been granted overnight visits with his wife resulting in children and has stated to many interviewers, including Dr. Dobson that given the option to leave prison he would most likely remain incarcerated by choice in order to continue being faithful to the Lord. I know this is true as his wife attends a fellowship nearby to him and a friend of mine was her pastor for many years. So not all Manson set out to do was a victory for Satan!

  3. A firing squad is the most appropriate end for Manson.

  4. Manson has killed a few , Obama is responsible for killing many.

  5. He can be released just in time to play the head hillbilly in Deliverance 2.


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