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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Car With Smashed Windows Yet Another Example Of Why You Don’t Park In Front Of Fire Hydrants

So you think your car is special, huh? Like maybe it has some magical power that reorganizes its atoms as such that a fire hose can pass through it without breaking, or emergency jet packs that can lift it up and away when the fire hydrant it’s parked in front of needs to be used. Well, it’s not, and yet again, another hapless driver gives us the perfect reason why you shouldn’t leave your ride where it isn’t supposed to be.

A Wilmington, Del. driver learned that there is no such thing as a special car that’s allowed to sit in front of hydrants after firefighters bashed out the windows of the Ford Fusion vehicle while battling a three-story house fire that was spreading, reports NBC News Philadelphia.

With the fire on the move, firefighters broke the car’s two front windows and fed the fire house through them to access the hydrant and get the water to the scene.



  1. Way to Go Fire Fighters!!!! Now, after the fire, I hope they had it Towed Too!

  2. 7:31 This... and the butt end of an axe to the jaw.

  3. What no haters here? Wow. Bout time. Thanks. But I'm sure the days not over yet.

  4. This is just firefighters being an ass. For all their claims that "seconds count," why are they wasting time bashing in windows and passing the hose through small openings, when they could have just passed it over the car?

    1. It would kink the hose not allowing full potential flow of water.
      Comments like these are the reason why the all knowing fire dept haters show their ignorance. That was a common sense thing idiot.

  5. @11:45 I wish you would park your car in front of a hydrant and let the firefighters go ahead and put the hose over your car, because when that hose pressurizes and lifts up and SLAMS DOWN ON TOP OF YOUR CAR, causing MORE DAMAGE than a broken window, I really want to hear you CRY!!!! GUESS WHAT JERK IT IS ILLEGAL TO PARK THERE! YOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE!!!!!!

  6. Totally agree w/ 12:33!! 11:45 is a misinformed/uninformed whiner that obviously has no idea the amount of pressure going through these hoses. It's all fine & well w/people like you, until it's YOUR house, establishment, &/or life @ stake! Moron.


  7. Good move firefighters! Saw same thing online about a new BMW in Boston; same solution to same problem. Dumb, self centered drivers.

  8. @12:33 and 12:53 -

    You two are asses, too. Stop making fire fighters look bad. I have several paid and volunteer family members who are firefighters, and they are awesome people. Your conduct rubs off on them because of your horrible attitude representing the entire profession. Do you have any concept of what honor and professionalism are? Did somebody take a dump in your corn flakes this morning? Even so, it's not a valid excuse to be a jerk. Seriously. You spend your time wishing ill on people? Open your eyes and take in the positivity that is all around you. You'll feel much better about yourself.

  9. There seem to be several jerks on this post. Most seem to be the firefighters. Yes this person did wrong. Yes the firemen had to get to the hydrant to put out a fire. Here is the problem. You firefighters take joy in someones vehicle getting destroyed. The same way you barge into many houses and cut holes in the roof and flood the entire house because there was a small fire somewhere. The firefighters in many cases to more damage than the fire would have. A professional would never GLOAT at the fact that someones belongings were damaged. Seems to be the mindset of firemen. You want to be treated as some type of super hero but many of you are not in the profession to help someone you just wanted to be treated like you are worthwhile. GROW UP!


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