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Friday, June 13, 2014

Cantor Loses By 11 Million Voters

Economics professor Dave Brat crushed House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in the Republican primary Tuesday night, in a campaign that was mostly about Cantor’s supporting amnesty for 11 million illegal aliens.

This marks the first time a U.S. House majority leader has ever lost a primary election.

His crushing defeat reinforces a central point: Whenever the voters know an election is about immigration, they will always vote against more immigration — especially amnesty.

Cantor spent more than $5 million on his campaign. Brat spent less than $150,000. But Brat made the election about Cantor’s support for amnesty, so he won.

The pro-amnesty crowd — i.e., everyone except the American people — promptly lost its collective mind. The amnesty shills went on the attack, insisting that Cantor’s historic defeat had nothing to do amnesty. Brat’s triumph was touted as simply a victory for the “tea party.”



  1. ALL politicians should take notice... we are tired. We demand action against this lawless administration.. and huffing and puffing and talking to the camera is not taking action.

  2. I take exception to the comment that this was simply a victory for the Tea Party. If anything it was a victory for the citizens of the United States. Period

  3. I'm a Republican and I'm glad he lost. He was not listening to the people.

  4. He's part of the good old boy system. He will be ok as a lobbyist. Now he will show how disconnected he really was with the middle class and poor.

  5. Don't vote for ANYONE in office. Vote them all out. Clean slate people. It is a new day. It has begun!!

  6. This thrills my soul! Call it what you want, the PEOPLE realize their part in all of this, and they spoke LOUDLY . Now, it's going to take the GOP party to actually realize this is going on, and this is a way to win elections. Is this possible? Really? Whether it might happen or electronic voting and dead voters thwart the election I'll not opine about it beyond that.

  7. Do any of you realize this was a primary election? The farther right your republican candidate option is on the ballot, the fewer middle of the road swing voters will go that way. They don't identify with views that far from the middle. The Tea Party is unintentionally aiding the Democrats. The more primarys the tea party wins, the more seats they will lose. Keep up the good work.

  8. Hope this doesn't set the path for a Democrat win in the Primary.

    I don't care who you are, I don't care about anyone who supports amnesty, but I don't like making our Republican seat vulnerable for a Democrat win.

  9. But the elections are all fixed. Right?

  10. Immigration is not the reason he lost. He lost because he took the voters for granted. He was blind sided because he forgot his constituency. It sound good but he forgot where he came from. He didn't do a thing for the people who voted him in and thus he lost to a economics professor who doesn't have a stance on minimum wage.

  11. "We the people" remember us?


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