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Friday, June 13, 2014

California Teacher Tenure Ruling May Fuel Debate

A first-of-its-kind court ruling that concluded California's union-backed teacher tenure, layoff and dismissal laws infringe on students' rights to an equal public education adds fire to a debate over whether the job protections afforded professional educators are partly to blame for what ails the nation's schools, experts said.

A judge in Los Angeles on Tuesday sided with nine students who sued to overturn the state statutes governing teacher hiring and firing, saying they served no compelling purpose and had led to an unfair, nonsensical system that drove excellent new teachers from the classroom too soon while allowing incompetent senior ones to remain.

The practices harm students in a way that "shocks the conscience" and have "a disproportionate burden on poor and minority students," Superior Court Judge Rolf Treu said in striking down the five laws as violations of the California Constitution.

Similar civil rights arguments have been made in the past to challenge school desegregation and recently to contest inequities in school funding, but the California decision makes the first time that a court has declared teacher tenure and related job guarantees unconstitutional, said William Koski, director of the Youth and Education Law Project at Stanford University.


1 comment:

  1. Excellent - maybe the good ones will stick around longer - knowing the bad ones will soon have a route out the door!

    Now we need to figure out a way to reward the really good ones - to keep them from leaving...

    Then we'll have a system that might work - as long as the government minimizes its intrusions....crap - never mind!


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