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Monday, June 02, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Wor Wic President Ray Hoy Finalist at Del-Tech

I am writing to inform you that I am a finalist for the presidency of Delaware Technical Community College.  This was an unexpected opportunity that required a great deal of thought and consideration.  You may be aware that Delaware Technical is a four campus institution with the central administration located in Dover.  Most of my family, including all four our grandchildren, live in Dover and just across the border in Kent County, Maryland.  Donna and I have always intended to move to the Dover community when I retire in order to be closer to the family.  But, I’m not ready to retire anytime soon.  So, this opportunity is one that really makes sense for us.
I also want you to understand that if I am not selected, I am not otherwise in the job market and I have no intention of considering other openings.  It is just that this position presents the prospect of being closer to our family and offers an undeniable opportunity for natural progression in my career at another very successful, but larger, institution.
Part of the search process includes contacting people at our institution and in the community.  Even though the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) consultants urge that this is a confidential process, word tends to get out.  As you know, I have always been open and forthright in my dealings with you.  Even though this is a very personal decision that I would have liked to remain totally confidential, my concern is that some will learn of this.  Rather than let word spread that way, I feel it is only appropriate that you hear it from me.
I continue to be committed to the success of Wor-Wic and it is very possible that we will spend years here together supporting the college and our community.  The other candidate is an internal candidate, a graduate of Delaware Technical Community College who has solid credentials.  So, it is certainly not inevitable that I will be leaving for this position.  The board will be making their decision based on who is the best fit for their institution at this time.
I am sorry for any disruption that this may cause for Wor-Wic.  Fortunately, the Delaware Technical Community College Board of Trustees intends to make its decision by June 17th, so none of us will have very long to wait.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
Dr. Ray Hoy
Wor-Wic Community College


  1. Open and with class. We could not ask for more.

  2. I agree - my first thought was "that was a classy letter." It would be a tremendous loss, but Dr. Hoy deserves this opportunity.

  3. I wish you luck. You will be missed.

  4. Who can blame him for wanting to go elsewhere, especially Delaware????

  5. Considering the preposterous salary for this position (only two junior college Presidents earn more in the whole country, at schools ten times as large as Del Tech), it's pretty much a no brainer to take the job.

  6. Ray is well respected. I might apply for his job.


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