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Friday, June 13, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Pentagon officials say Bergdahl held in solitary for two years

Pentagon officials tell Fox News that Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was kept in solitary confinement for two years by his Taliban captors. Officials at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio will brief reporters about Bergdahl's condition at 4 p.m. ET.



  1. Don't believe a word of this crap.

  2. So Oblamos people in the Pentagon say he was in solitary for 2 years and we are to accept that a the gospel truth? I don't think so!

  3. That's no where near what he should get here for desertion!!

  4. A sticky wicket we have here, and deserting the largest terrorist organization in the world might be forgivable.

    Think about that.

  5. Let the parade to celebrate his return begin!

  6. send that traitor backto the taliban


  7. Cool. So if that's what he gets at his desertion trial he'll already be acclimated. TV , TP and indoor plumbing will seem like luxuries.

  8. Anything that Dumbo says believe just the opposite

  9. BS. They knew where and how to find, and slaughter, several people in his unit, that he ABANDONED! He cooperated with, if not JOINED, the taliban.

    There is NO WAY the taliban would just stick a US soldier in a hole for 2 years. Did they even try to make something up?

  10. Don't believe a word the gov't has to say, just wait the truth will come out, it always does. The reason we haven't heard a word from this deserter, nor has his parents. The gov't handlers have to get his bull sh** story straight. They are gonna keep him in line with the threat of back pay and a pension. If he does what he's told he's gonna be a hero, if not, he goes to prison.


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