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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Biden to emphasize that illegal immigration of kids to US isn't 'safe'

Vice President Joe Biden will meet with senior representatives of Latin American countries this week to 'emphasize that illegal immigration is not safe' and clear up 'misconceptions' about the U.S.'s policy on child immigration, a senior White House official said Sunday.

The senior official told reporters on a conference call that a visit to Guatemala had been added to Biden's schedule at the last minute so he could meet with representatives of the governments of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador to discuss the 'root causes' behind the apparent flood of unaccompanied minors leaving their countries to illegally immigrate to the U.S.

Biden's sudden visit to Guatemala is the Obama administration's latest effort to mitigate criticism that it encouraged thousands of children and teenagers to make the dangerous trek to the U.S. when it announced two years ago that it would stop deporting children of illegal immigrants.



  1. So, what, is he going to tell them that he's been found out, and that they will have to bring the kids in from another route? Maybe Canada? After all, we need all the illegal immigrants we can get, right Joe?

  2. Liar. That is contrary of what he said last week. What a dufus!

  3. So we needed to send the Vice President to tell them it's not a good idea to send massive numbers of children across our boarder. I wonder if they ever thought of sending them back as a believable message.

  4. How stupid. Last week he said we need all the illegals we can get and now this. I blame this idiot on Democrats in Delaware. He went from an elected county position to the Senate then to the VP. I will once again emphasis the importance of voting on the local level. Kick these liberal spending Democrats out now before they do more damage. Don't forget folks in Wicomoco Co., your taxes just went up another 5% under Democratic leadership.


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