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Monday, June 23, 2014

Audience GASPS As IRS Commissioner Admits Missing Lois Lerner Hard Drive Was Trashed


  1. and they want us to keep our records for 7 years? end the fed and the irs

  2. Who gives a poop about the hard drive, the emails are on a server.... WAKE UP!

  3. Anon your an idiot too. Servers need hard drives. If they crash and you have no back up then you lost the data.

    Cant fix stupid!!!!

  4. That wasn't a gasp because the drives are "gone," it's a gasp because they heard the truth for once!

  5. What an arrogant bastard the IRS commissioner is, they all are taking their cues from the traitor-in-chief. Upsetting as that is, what is more upsetting is the fact that Obama has not been at least impeached for his continuing crimes against the American people. What is it going to take? How far will the destruction of what was once a constitutional republic go?

  6. 11:20 you need to follow things before you end up looking dumber than you obviously are.. They were referring to her hard drive, not the server's... listen and read before you run your mouth.. BTW, there are 3 servers at the IRS - redundancy, and they were paying a firm to back up the servers.. and they did not cancel the contract before any emails were sent. Oh, they also have a disaster recover site that will contain much if not all of them.. Can't fix stupid can you!


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