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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: Senior Nutrition vs WIC


I was speaking with a few people the other day regarding the Senior Nutrition Program funded by the USDA and administered by the Maryland Dept of Agriculture. Government never ceases to amaze me.

SFMNP = Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program. This program is for Seniors aged 60 and up. To receive the coupons they must be income qualified. The USDA provides funding for coupons in the amount of $30 per qualified applicant, per season. However, Wicomico County is allotted only 60 coupon books per season. SIXTY!!!! I've sent more than 60 seniors to apply only to have their names put on a waiting list. I'm told there are 5 or 6 pages of names of senior citizens on the waiting list. The return on these coupons state wide is 85% to 89%, it changes annually. It has been as high at 93%. These numbers tell us the coupons are being redeemed by our senior citizens in need. Locally, the return is 85% according to the MAC Center.

FMNP = Farmers Market Nutrition Program aka WIC. Women, Infants & Children. To receive these coupons they too must be income qualified, usually receiving assistance from social services or having a low income. They are allotted $20 in coupons. The rate of redemption state wide is a mere 46%. What happens to the funding for the remaining 54%? Locally, only 12% of FMNP/WIC coupons are redeemed.

Congress provided over $16 million for FMNP for FY14, this is to be spread out nationwide, US possessions and territories and Indian tribes. I called the Maryland Dept of Agriculture to ask why the coupons that are not redeemed by the FMNP/WIC program couldn't be given to Seniors. The answer was the USDA sends the funds to them in separate pots. They can not mix the funds. WHY? This is such a huge waste of money when there are so many senior citizens in need. The $30 in coupons could mean the difference between a pot of fresh veggies, or a can of cat food for dinner. Where is the money going that is not redeemed in coupons? Is it going back to USDA or is the MDA using it elsewhere?

Senior citizens cook their meals, they know how to make that money stretch to suit their needs. They know how to preserve foods for future use. Why not give them the funds that are not being used by the young mothers that would rather eat fast food than cook?

How do we get the USDA to see the need and allow the states administering these programs to put the money where it will be used? Do we start by contacting our State and Federal representatives? Do we start by flooding the USDA with calls?

I do know one thing. This is an election year. SENIORS VOTE! Any incumbents running for reelection should get on the stick and see what can be done to help our senior citizens. Candidates seeking election should start reaching out and find out what they can do to help our most fragile citizens. These people have worked and paid their dues.

Remember, SENIORS VOTE!!!


  1. Another epic Rick Pollitt failure.

  2. The problem is with how people were RAISED! Senior Citizens were brought up to take care of your own and not go looking for handouts! The seniors are not Hateful and Demanding like the people getting WIC! Don't give me the HOROMONE crap either!

  3. It's a simple question. If historically there is a low return on the WIC coupons, why can't those funds be transferred to the Seniors program? It's not rocket science. Governments move money around all the time. The questions is WHY won't they do it?


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