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Sunday, June 29, 2014

A Comment Worthy Of A Post

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Hmmmm, Career Builders Offers The Following Positi...":

Laura Mitchell, Vice President of the Salisbury City Council approved this addition to the Salisbury Mayor's office. This addition will cost the tax payers approximately $70,000 in additional tax expense. Laura Mitchell this is a perfect example of your tax and spend mentality. We are going to use this against you in your attempt to gain a seat on the Wicomico County Council. We don't want you on the Salisbury City Council and we don't want you on the Wicomico County Council.

Oh don't think we will forget about your treasurer who also wants to seek a seat on the Wicomico County Council. Your little buddy Josh Hastings worked hard to get you elected to the city council and he is a self proclaimed Moderate. Self proclaimed yes, Moderate NOT! A Moderate would not support immoral gay sex/Same sex marriage. You 2 need to quit the race just like your friend Ron Pagano did. Quit wasting everyone's time with your lies and fantasies.


  1. Reminder to all county council candidate Josh Hastings was Laura Mitchell's campaign treasurer in 2011. Don't let the wolf in moderate clothing fool you.

  2. This should be moved to the top so everyone gets a chance to read it and understand Laura Mitchell and Josh Hastings are trash and don't need to be voted on the County Council. Chop the snakes head off early.

  3. Reminder to all Wicomico County Council candidate Josh Hastings was Laura Mitchell's campaign treasurer in 2011. Don't let the wolf in moderate clothing fool you.


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