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Tuesday, June 03, 2014

9/11: Russia Presents Evidence Against US, UK And Israel Co-Conspirators?

“9/11 was an Anglo-American black operation executed in collusion with Israeli Secret Services.” — 9/11 Investigator

Undoubtedly the 9/11 attacks on New York City and Washington DC are the most misrepresented by officialdom in US history.

Whereas the assassination of John F. Kennedy is now understood to have been a classic CIA Public Execution Plan, it does not come close to 9/11 in terms of the number and magnitude of outright falsehoods, misleading statements, fake science and fraudulent facts submitted by officials and agents of the US Government. The ‘official’ 9/11 Commission Report stands as the most fabricated document ever produced by US tax dollars. Not only did the investigation avoid every serious inquiry about how two steel frame building came down after being dustified in NYC, it also subverted every initiative to ferret out the truth.

That’s all about to change in 2014.

It appears that Russia has been conducting systematic data dumps on 9/11, the release of which represents more factual information on the attacks than any US Government source. In the wake of the Anglo-American coup d’état conducted by the CIA and MI6 in Kiev, it appears that Russia has no more patience for Western interference. Especially when nations are destabilized on Russia’s borders do the stakes in this highly consequential geopolitical chess match go up.

Since Vladimir Putin has no intention of starting World War 3, he can only respond to US-EU meddling by using asymmetric warfare on the internet. Were the American people to understand that elements within the US Federal Government were behind the 9/11 attacks , EVERYTHING would change in a heartbeat. Because the Obama Administration has shown no sign of aborting its planned takeover of the Ukraine, Russia is now left with fewer, but still quite potent options.

The following excerpt recently appeared on an alternative news website — Veterans Today — under the subtitle “Too Classified to Publish”. Essentially this unprecedented release of ultra-secret and highly classified information illustrates Putin’s new tack toward Western intractability. Simply put, Russia will no longer stand by idly while the Anglo-American Juggernaut projects it power wherever it so chooses.



  1. Putin for President of the US! Ben Carson for VP.

  2. File this with the FEMA Region 3 crisis

  3. Quite unbelievably (and contrary to MOUNTAINS of evidence, especially CIA documents, reports, and testimony (!)) there are still people who believe the Warren Commission report is factual and accurate and the final word in JFK's murder. So it is not such a stretch to think that people also think our "official" 9-11 is entirely truthful, too. It was used to justify two wars.
    Some people would think the sun shines at night in D.C. if the government said it did.....

  4. Break out the tinfoil hats.

  5. Idiots.. really, we are now taking Putin's word on what happened. I have to admit he has brass balls and he is making a fool out of King Barry and obviously a number of conspiracy theorist. hey 12:25 are you selling tinfoil hats?

  6. While I have my questions about 9-11, Putin isn't the great man you think he is.

    He is oppressive, anti-Semitic, sexist, homophobic, etc. Yes, Obama looks like a fool next to him. But don't wish Putin on the U.S.

    Ben Carson, on the other hand, is highly intelligent and analytical. He would need to be in the number 1 slot, not number 2.

  7. I don't think anybody is wishing Putin on us, we are just tired of him making a fool out of the fool in the Whitehouse

  8. Dittos to 12:41. by the way, I'm one of those "racists" who didn't vote for barry because he was black. How will the commies and liberal shrills explain away this new phenomenon of former racists who have now seen the light?


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