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Thursday, June 19, 2014

5 Reasons Hillary Won't Run

Hillary Clinton's minions are hard at work assembling a political machine and fine tuning it for another go at the White House. Mrs. Clinton is doing her part preparing for a run as well, churning out a bland memoir about the "hard choices" she faced as secretary of state and coyly positioning herself (again) as the inevitable nominee of the party. But after the troubled beginning to her book tour, we're beginning to see the reasons why Hillary may eventually decide to pull the plug on a 2016 presidential run. Here are five:

1) She's just not that good at campaigning. If the last two gaffe-prone weeks have reminded us of anything about Hillary, it’s that she’s a mediocre politician at best. Her shortcomings are significant: she can be stiff and wooden in public; she lacks the aura of a natural politician; she’s not a great public speaker, and she can come across as politically flat-footed and tone deaf -- as she did with her “dead broke” response to a rather benign question about relating to the financial challenges of the average voter. People still seem to believe that the Clinton name is synonymous with political skill, but that assumption is only half-true: If Hillary possessed even half of Bill’s political talent and acumen, she wouldn’t have lost to Barack Obama in 2008.



  1. It's utter nonsense to think or believe she isn't running. She will be elected in a landslide.

  2. She'll run, and she'll win. Nothing can stop her, unfortunately.

  3. I'm afraid that there to many ignorant Democrats out there that would vote for her.

  4. I do agree that she will run, only an idiot would think she won't. We need to have one of the scandals bring her down and that is very possible. In November, if the GOP gets the Senate Reid can no longer be the road block to truth. If the GOP turns out and votes, all is not lost.

  5. 1 reason she will run..... If she runs she wins... Plain and simple

  6. Sadly if someone had a video of her stopping puppies to death and laughing, there will still be enough idiots that would vote for her.


  7. 6th reason: She might be able to waddle, but run, don't think so?


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