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Sunday, June 01, 2014

41 Democrat Senators have signed to "REPEAL THE FIRST AMENDMENT"

Senator Ted Cruz stung Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer (NY), and 40 other Democrats, saying that the Democrat-controlled legislative body wants to “repeal the First Amendment.”

I’m not making this up,” said Cruz, speaking at the Family Research Council event on Thursday. “Senator Chuck Schumer has announced the Senate Democrats are scheduling a vote on a constitutional amendment to give Congress the plenary power, the unlimited authority, to regulate political speech,” Cruz told the audience, who sounded quite disgruntled to hear the news (Watch Video Below).

Cruz then explained why Democrats are pushing for the anti-free speech measure: 
“Because elected officials have decided they don’t like it when the citizenry has the temerity to criticize what they’ve done. They don’t like it when pastors in their community stand up and speak the truth. And it makes their lives inconvenient when they’re not standing for principle and actually that’s pointed out back home.”
Cruz went on to explain that the amendment, which has 41 co-sponsors (all Democrats) would specifically protect organizations like the New York Times, but would be an attack on religious liberty and would “muzzle” citizens from “saying things that government finds inconvenient.” 


h/t:  CNS NewsNOTE:  Because of several comments on this story indicating they would like the list of  Senate co-sponsors of S.J. Res. 19, we are providing the list below, courtesy of the Library of Congress (alpha order by last name): 
  1. Tammy Baldwin (WI)
  2. Mark Begich (AK)
  3. Michael Bennet (CO)
  4. Richard Blumenthal (CT)
  5. Cory Booker (NJ)
  6. Barbara Boxer (CA)
  7. Sherrod Brown (OH)
  8. Benjamin Cardin (MD)
  9. Thomas Carper (DE)
  10. Christopher Coons (DE)
  11. Richard Durbin (IL)
  12. Dianne Feinstein (CA)
  13. Al Franken (MN)
  14. Kirsten Gillibrand (NY)
  15. Kay Hagen (NC)
  16. Tom Harkin (IA)
  17. Martin Heinrich (NM)
  18. Mazie Hirono (HI)
  19. Tim Johnson (SD)
  20. Angus King, Jr. (ME)
  21. Amy Klobuchar (MN)
  22. Edward Markey (MA)
  23. Robert Menendez (NJ)
  24. Jeff Merkley (OR)
  25. Barbara Mikulski (MD)
  26. Christopher Murphy (CT)
  27. Patty Murray (WA)
  28. Jack Reed (RI)
  29. Harry Reid (NV)
  30. John D. Rockefeller, IV (WV)
  31. Bernard Sanders (VT)
  32. Brian Schatz (HI)
  33. Chuck Schumer (NY)
  34. Jeanne Shaheen (NH)
  35. Debbie Stabenow (MI)
  36. Jon Tester (MT)
  37. Mark Udall (CO)
  38. John Walsh (MT)
  39. Elizabeth Warren (MA)
  40. Sheldon Whitehouse (RI)
  41. Ron Wyden (OR)
CORRECTON:  Please note that the above article mentioned all co-sponsors as Democrats. Actually, there are 40 Democrats and one admitted socialist, Senator Bernie Sanders (VT), a registered Independent who caucuses with the Democrats. We apologize for the error.


  1. If that passes, then they will form a secret police like Russia and Nazi Germany. Then they will continue to brainwash the children in schools and you can see what will happen from there

  2. I remind readers exactly what CCCP (SSSR or USSR) meant in years past, Supreme Soviet Socialist Republic or Union of Soviet Socialist Republic.

    These Democrats are Socialists advocating the Governmental style of our ENEMY which kinda makes them ENEMIES of America. Socialists attempt to silence their opposition and they better be careful least thee be silenced.
    Get it?

  3. I'm not sure I understand, I read the bill on the link... It looks like this is about regulating campaign contributions... I'm not sure how it goes from regulating campaign contributions (which is probably a good thing) to censorship of free speech... can someone please explain?

  4. Starting with the Communist in Chief, it is easily apparent (with a minimum of active brain cells) that these people want their ruling class electorate treated like a monarchy.

    We as citizens opened up a can of Whoop-Ass on the previous monarchy a couple hundred years ago - they've been nice to us (for the most part) ever since.

    November is probably our last hope for saving this country from the likes of these.


  5. Anonymous said...
    Starting with the Communist in Chief, it is easily apparent (with a minimum of active brain cells) that these people want their ruling class electorate treated like a monarchy.

    We as citizens opened up a can of Whoop-Ass on the previous monarchy a couple hundred years ago - they've been nice to us (for the most part) ever since.

    November is probably our last hope for saving this country from the likes of these.


    May 30, 2014 at 9:30 AM

    Unfortunately I don't think the election will matter, but please try to vote Republican.

    Obama may have received the majority vote in 2008, but I highly doubt he won the 2012 election without voter fraud. Proven voter fraud and no one has done anything about it.

    The only thing that will bring positive change is a civil war. We need to weed out the Democrats and the Kool Aid drinkers.

  6. And of course where do our senators from Maryland stand on this? They should be hung!

  7. Hang em all. People need to watch the movie Patriot this weekend. A lot of people have died for our freedoms lets not forgets them. Live free or die.

  8. Let's call them the Brown Shirt Society.

  9. D-Day is coming and fast so wake up people of Md. this may be your last chance !!

  10. Who thinks ANY of the Amendments carry any weight any longer?
    EVERY ONE of the rights mentioned (not "given" to us, either, as we already, as a free people, had them) in the Bill of Rights has been erased by the passage of the Patriot Act and the NDAA (by these same people who SWORE AN OATH (!!) to protect and defend the Constitution. These snakes are ENTRENCHED by DECADES of pilfering the treasury, bribery, lying, and subverting the very document that has worked for us for over 200 years.
    Only their blood, running deep in the streets, will fix things. If you think voting will make a difference, you haven't been paying attention.

  11. 926, I will be glad to explain. giving money to pols is a free speech issue. why do we need to stop anyone from giving money to pols? money given is speech. when I give money to a candidate; I'm saying I agree with you and I want you to represent me. this is a choice I make and it's putting money where my mouth is. again; free speech. I don't want anyone to stop me from doing this. period.

  12. How about that, Our own state socialist Babs and sleepy Ben have signed on..

  13. There is also a movement in the senate to repeal the 22nd. amendment of limiting a president to just two terms. God help us all if this passes, the ass will just keep dictating!

  14. What we need are two parties that discuss bills and come up with plans that work for everyone. Not bills that are only promoted by republicans, or bills only promoted by democrats. Both parties need to grow up and stop destroying the US. We look like fools to other countries

  15. All this bill does is limit campaign contribution which in my opinion have nothing to do with speech. Speech is something that comes out of your mouth, is written, or otherwise is recorded on a video. Speech could be a nonviolent protest out in front of a multinational bank, but giving unlimited amounts of money to gain unfair advantages in political campaigns in my opinion is not speech. Why should someone born into a wealthy family have more of a political impact than the son of a construction worker? How is that freedom.....to be owned by the haves? Some of you have no problem with the elite having unlimited influence....to truly be free your say needs to matter just as much as the next. Inevitably some citizens will have more pull in the political process, but lets base that on merit and achievement and not birth status!

  16. Get off you Butt, get a job and VOTE them outJune 1, 2014 at 9:10 PM

    O'Gay O'Malley and your Democrats here in Maryland all feel the same regarding our Constitutional 1st Amendment....

  17. Mike said...
    All this bill does is limit campaign contribution which in my opinion have nothing to do with speech. Speech is something that comes out of your mouth, is written, or otherwise is recorded on a video. Speech could be a nonviolent protest out in front of a multinational bank, but giving unlimited amounts of money to gain unfair advantages in political campaigns in my opinion is not speech. Why should someone born into a wealthy family have more of a political impact than the son of a construction worker? How is that freedom.....to be owned by the haves? Some of you have no problem with the elite having unlimited influence....to truly be free your say needs to matter just as much as the next. Inevitably some citizens will have more pull in the political process, but lets base that on merit and achievement and not birth status!

    June 1, 2014 at 2:39 PM

    There is always a soft hearted liberal trolling these blogs.

  18. Anonymous said...
    What we need are two parties that discuss bills and come up with plans that work for everyone. Not bills that are only promoted by republicans, or bills only promoted by democrats. Both parties need to grow up and stop destroying the US. We look like fools to other countries

    June 1, 2014 at 9:57 AM

    You just don't get it do you.

  19. It has been time for the Republicans in power to grow a set....stop this obvious attempt to do away with our basic beliefs and Constitution


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