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Saturday, June 28, 2014

15 Things You Should Never Put On Your Resume

How many times have you applied for a job and never heard back?

You tell yourself, “They probably never saw it,” or, “Maybe I just wasn’t a good fit,” and you move on.

But, more likely, your resume just didn’t impress.

Hiring managers receive dozens — sometimes hundreds — of resumes for any given opening. They don’t have the time or resources to review each one closely, so they spend approximately six seconds on their initial “fit/no fit” decision.

You may be perfect for the job, but if your resume has just one typo, if it’s formatted poorly, or you use the wrong font, it could easily end up in the “no fit” pile.



  1. 6 things to put on your resume for a position at the chicken plants;

    Illegal alien
    Drug User
    Low self esteem
    Will DO anything for the boss

  2. Yes, to 9:33 and now the Boarder Patrol is giving them a bud ride up to the plants!


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