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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Without China's Cooperation in Slowing Climate Change, US Efforts Are Futile

The inconvenient truth President Obama denies about climate change is that China's refusal to cooperate in international efforts to address the problem makes U.S. efforts to slow its pace futile. Moreover, his policies severely handicap America's ability to mitigate its consequences.

The global climate has gone through profound cycles of cooling and warming since long before humans walked the Earth. While public figures and some scientists may disagree, the majority of researchers have concluded that human activities — in particular, greenhouse gas emissions — are now a significant cause of global warming, and they are urging concerted international action.



  1. Posted 45 minutes ago and our global warming expert has yet to comment? He must be working or in jail.

  2. The climate is constantly changing and to think we can to control the weather is laughable...The whole thing is a tax scam.

  3. Weather-modification, according to the US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report, ‘offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary’, capabilities, it says, extend to the triggering of floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes: ‘Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally

  4. Teh Won is as concerned about global warming as I am - zero, zilch, nada.
    He's after the command and control of the money. That's the only "green" he loves.

  5. And the hot air and gas from D.C. don't help either.

    They expect China to do ANYTHING for the U.S. when Holdout Holder is charging them with crimes? I am surprised he even knows how to levy charges since he has been nowhere to be found when others wanted charges brought against a certain type/class of people.

    And why isn't Holder himself in prison?

  6. It's not about slowing climate change. It's about shutting down our economy, and transferring wealth to the people who control China. We get increased regulation and barriers to entry, and before long we can't compete with slave labor.

  7. Climate Change is real. Haven't you noticed?

    The military is in total control of weather at this point in time. They sought control by 2025 but got it earlier than imagined.

    The technologies available today are incredible. If you don't realize the weather is controlled then you are simply naïve.

  8. These idiots have no proof behind the claim that climate change is directly related to humans.
    It is my contention that we have actually SLOWED climate change because we have interceded in the earth's destructive power.
    We put out mass scale forest fires,
    We burn fossil fuels MUCH more efficiently than mother nature. We CONTAIN radioactivity whereas the earth naturally allows it to go free. We cause less damage with our waste than other much larger species that once overpopulated the earth.

    Prove otherwise.

  9. The REAL inconvenient truth is there is no such thing as "global warming". Made up to re-distribute wealth. Biggest scam!!!!

  10. Prove otherwise.

    May 20, 2014 at 4:41 PM

    roflmao lol an exercise in futility with a schoolboy


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