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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Why Jeb Bush might not run for president

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush's number has come up on the Republican Party's presidential roulette wheel, making a possible third President Bush the talk of Washington, D.C. and fodder for breathless news reports.

A House aide close to Speaker John Boehner told MailOnline on Tuesday that he will 'go to the mat for Jeb.'

'He doesn't want someone in office who's going to keep splitting the party between the center and the right,' the staffer said.

But Bush's family could drag along enough heavy baggage to sink a White House run, including his daughter Noelle's 2002 arrests for prescription drug fraud, stealing pills at a rehab clinic, and possession of crack cocaine.

His wife Columba also was detained at U.S. Customs in 1999, at the Atlanta airport, for under-reporting $19,000 worth of clothing and jewelry she bought in Paris – signing a declaration for just $500.



  1. He shouldn't run. doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell of getting elected.

  2. We don't want another Bush.. and Boehner's statement that he doesn't want to support another candidate who will split the party should be a wake up call for himself.. People want the more conservative candidate and not the group of RINOs that Boehner represents. Out with the old, in with the new!

  3. He's the only viable GOP option against Hillary. That's the fact.

  4. 11:02 Are you kidding me.. He is not a viable candidate, but there are a number who are and can beat her. Carson, Paul, Walker...

  5. 11:02 You are definitely smoking something if you think anyone of those fools can beat her.

  6. By the time Trey is dine with her, she won't be able to run... unless we let her run from prison.

  7. The next US President will be chosen at the Bilderbug Meeting


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