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Sunday, May 18, 2014

White supremacist commits suicide

A white supremacist who appeared in court with a swastika carved into his forehead died after a suicide attempt in prison.

Keith Luke, 28, was found unresponsive by corrections officers in his cell at Souza-Baranowski Center, Massachusetts on Saturday.

Luke was taken to University of Massachusetts Hospital in Worcester and placed on life support but was pronounced dead on Monday shortly after midday.



  1. This is why we have a law.

  2. One less ignoramous

  3. Hate is so over rated.

  4. Guess his suicide "attempt" was successful.

  5. Another weak individual. Good riddance!

  6. I believe it is someone right to hate if they wish as long as they don't physically harm another person. I draw the line when these people start carving crap on their foreheads, or tattoo themselves all up with symbols. This makes them unemployable and that affects all of us.

  7. I would prefer to see the Muslim
    Supremacist from Kenya commit suicide.

  8. Could we be so lucky 10:50. I'm not a partying kind of person but if he did commit suicide I would have a party to celebrate. If for nothing else his lying alone. The world doesn't need liars like him inhabiting it's space. A president should be a role model and he is a piss poor excuse as a human being much less a president.

  9. Why would anyone want to see a Muslim Supremacist commit suicide over a white supremacist.
    They both are equally horrible wastes of life and live only to spew hate.

    One is no better than the other.

  10. 12:02- The "Muslim Supremacist" has a bigger audience.

  11. The Muslim Supremacist is a bigger racist and has a bigger audience full of more racist. Yes 1:12 PM you are correct on that one.

  12. Great comments here, love those Eastern Shore Christians!

  13. OH please.......9:30. What do you think everyone who says they hate Obama is an "Eastern Shore Christians?" That's foolish as I hate Obama and haven't stepped foot in a church for nearly 40 yrs except for an occasional wedding or funeral which if I can get out of will. So stop with the Christian nonsense because all it is, is an assumption.

  14. "So stop with the Christian nonsense because all it is, is an assumption."

    ...says the person calling the President a Kenyan Muslim. Boy oh boy, the ignorance on display in this thread.

  15. I guess he did he is out numbered in jail 200 to 1 when it comes to race. Hate is a waste of time.

  16. he was worked to death in one of Holder's many many Prison factories


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