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Monday, May 05, 2014

Watermen Protest Plan To Use Fossilized Oysters To Restore The Bay

An effort to clean up the Chesapeake Bay comes to a sudden halt. There’s a plan to use fossilized oyster shells as building blocks to restore the bay.

As Linh Bui reports, several watermen are protesting, saying this puts their livelihood in jeopardy.

The fight has been brewing for months, but this week, the situation came to a head.


  1. not a fan of either one of these organizations/people. DNR is a PIA (at best) and does whatever they want the public be damned, and the waterman well they have pretty much had things their way for many years and look where that's gotten us!

  2. Maybe we just need to do away with the MD seafood industry?? (Sarcasm)

  3. Though sarcastic 10:36, the life of the Bay is much more important than the seafood industry. There will be NO seafood industry if there is no seafood. The Bay needs a break from commercial harvesting, along with strict environmental guidelines, if there is a chance for this body of water to be healthy again.


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