Preface: Yesterday Superintendent John Fredericksen stated that it would cost anywhere from $1,000.00 to $5,000.00 to install cameras at Parkside High School.
Now, considering Salisbury News has been delivering FACTUAL spending figures from Gift Cards and such, (1,600+ charges at more than $160,000.00 over the last two years) here's my Survey Question...
Do you believe the STUDENTS would be willing to forego the "Gift Cards" to help purchase new/additional cameras AND do you think the Board of Education could easily STOP spending so much money FOR THE CHILDREN at local Bars and Restaurants to help purchase these cameras?
I love you. Matter of fact, no-nonsense. This is a no brainer for someone with brains.
ReplyDeleteThe BOE doesn't care about the kids. Neither does the Teachers Union. It's all bs.
ReplyDelete9:29AM, said it all!
ReplyDeleteBut no one was watching the monitor at THAT SPECIFIC TIME.The surveillance review that we have heard about was after the fact.Even if the camera had caught the act in progress no one would have known to stop it because no one would have seen it anyway.My point is that all of the cameras on earth won't help with no human eyes watching the monitor.
ReplyDeleteUh, yeah!
ReplyDeleteThe only time it's about the "children" is when the BOE is seeking money money. Other than that....they are always second fiddle on the list of priorities.
ReplyDelete9:35 AM
ReplyDeletebut there will be evidence to convict
With all of the data devices people have is there even a reason for large schools?
ReplyDeleteWay to go Joe! This is a very important question for the taxpayers.
ReplyDelete9:35, while what you say may be true, (I thought of that as well) the fact that Fredericksen was able to use the lack of cameras as an EXCUSE, for $1,000.00 to $5,000.00 we an eliminate that excuse.
ReplyDeleteI can tell you, IF I had a Daughter in that school and this was even possible, I'd have her REMOVED immediately.
We place our children in their hands because it is the LAW. I expect each and every student to be SAFE no matter what.
Instead, Fredericksen and his Staff chose to relocate that student to Parkside and put thousands of children at risk.
Well, one female student WAS LEFT BEHIND. Who knows how many others have been a victim of this Gang?
It's funny you say Frederickson and "his staff". Frederickson is the dictator and everyone else his little peons, so "his staff" has no say on any matter.
DeleteSo glad you brought this up Joe. Because this is exactly my thoughts as well. The Board of Ed can misuse credit cards but it's too costly to buy enough cameras to make sure our children are safe in the schools. Changes need to be made immediately or we will continue to have these horrific crimes. My guess is that this kid knew exactly where the cameras were.
ReplyDeletewas this area so isolated that no one heard anything? did the girl not scream or make any noise?
ReplyDeleteWhen my kids were in private school this never happened. We didn't have camera's and if there were any trouble makers or bullies, they were kicked out of school. Parents had more of a say and we didn't have to deal with political correctness. They learned decent values through a christian education and are now both doing will in college. Money doesn't fix the problem. It's government control that has destroyed the educational system.
ReplyDeleteMy child deserves to be safe at any cost. All that money that was spent eating at P.F Changs, The Waffle House, T.G.I.Friday's, and Boston Market could have been used for extra resource officers and cameras.
ReplyDeleteGeorge, all I'm saying is, wouldn't it be better to spend that money on the safety of our children than it being spent in bars and restaurants for the adults?
ReplyDeleteThe $160,000.00+ is already being blown. Just not on the kids. But it's all for the children, RIGHT?
Nice job Joe, keeping us informed.
ReplyDelete9:48-Agreed,but the defense attorney will insist that the surveillance camera picked up enough before the couple disappeared to prompt the person watching the monitor to take action.That person will then state that he saw nothing in camera view that appeared suspicious,instead of admitting he wasn't even watching the monitor.By then,knowing that the school is in full defense mode,he will have Parkside exactly where he wants them.Therefore,my point is that by defending their actions,which Parkside will do,they will be defending Scarborough's actions.
ReplyDeleteJoe keep the heat on them. They skate all the time. They need to be held accountable. Wonder where the cop was. It is a large school.
ReplyDeleteThe most important issue is why was this kid in school at all, if he had already been removed from 2 others? The school board needs to take a hard line stand on these so called students and the NAACP needs to back them up. I also believe that the SPD failed by not bringing charges of gun possession in the first DDE video. It's time to stop "kicking the can down the road" when you play the race card in place of public safety.
ReplyDeleteCameras can be activated by motion. Place them in areas the rest of the cameras do not cover.
ReplyDeleteIf, (by chance) this kid happened to know there was no coverage in a particular area, it makes me wonder what else has been going on in those areas.
Again, by law we must send our children to school. They should be just as on the ball as we would have to be if children were visiting our homes with a swimming pool in the back yard, as an example.
When I had a pool in the Annapolis area, I had motion sensors that went off the second there was motion in the pool and believe me, it was LOUD!
That's the problem with the Board of Education - it is NEVER about the students, it's all about where are we going to eat and drink next and how much we can spend. I am so glad I have no children in school these days but for those of you who do, you need to demand answers. This will never stop if you don't.
ReplyDeletethrowing money at a situation will not make evil go away.
ReplyDeleteI agree with sound and motion detectors...I thought they had hall monitors or even a Deputy on Patrol....
ReplyDeleteIf the girl's parents are smart...they should contact a Lawyer...preferably out of DC or Baltimore...sue the BOE staff and the Principal individually...
whoa whoa whoa you cant take my friday nite greene turtle bucks away see you there at the turtle from a b o e long time member
ReplyDeleteOh they will have the cameras and here's why. The camera vendors are on to this and will be wining and dining (also known as lobbying) those who will make the decision whether to install more cameras or not.
ReplyDeleteAnother point is why in the hell did Frederickson let the media know the particulars of the security cameras. It's enough to say we have them, but you never ever let on how and when they are monitored nor locations. I'm telling you Wic Co. you all have some real amateurs running the show.
When they have these thugs that get kicked out of multiple schools, they need to be sent to a boot camp. That might straighten them out.
ReplyDeleteThe bottom line is the jerk should not have been allowed in any school to begin with. Not only was he disruptive his Facebook showed his propensity for violence. Only a moron would think shuffling him from school to school would change him.
ReplyDeletePersonally, Freddie and Wayney boy needs to stop all the spending of money on food, their 1st primary Job is to educate, food banks, soup kitchens and church's are in the business of feeding. If the school PTA raised enough money to buy pizza more power to the PTA. Also, I had heard the schools make money from the school lunches, and only half the kids actually purchases since so many kids get free and reduce lunch. I am sure they can find the monies in the school lunch leftovers. The upside to the camera you have the crime on video, much easier to convict.
ReplyDeletewhat ever happened to innocent until proven guilty?
ReplyDelete"I also believe that the SPD failed by not bringing charges of gun possession in the first DDE video."
ReplyDeleteCan you attest that it was a real gun and not a prop they used in their video? Airsoft guns and BB guns look like real guns. Oregano looks like ground weed. A cigar can be inferred to have weed in it. Basically, if people don't report suspicious activity, like when it was being filmed, if SPD had arrested them, they would have a lawsuit on their hands. Who's to say the kids weren't interviewed? You need more than this for probable cause for a search warrant even. This is real life, not the movies or a TV show.
11:37, and sue Fredericksen, who should resign.
ReplyDeleteThis makes me sick. All his hand wringing in the newspaper so he could wash his hands of it.
I could even go so far as to presume innocence until proven guilty for the kid, though he seems like a nasty one. People have been accused falsely by people they have pissed off. Not saying at all that the girl is lying, just saying it's up to a court. If she was medically tested afterwards, the only question will be about consensual.
All that is for a court to decide, not me.
It is the reaction of Fredericksen that makes me sick. What is the point of having monitors up if all they are good for is "after the fact"?
Joe, you have made a GREAT POINT here! These jerks would rather stuff their faces on the taxpayer dime than ensure the safety of children.
Fredericksen has GOT TO GO!
12:09 Innocent until proven guilty pertains to a jury and not the public. Public always has and always will speculate and form opinions.
ReplyDeleteI was surprised at all the money that was spent at Ruth Chris steak house in Berlin for what they spent on that bill that could have paid for the extra cameras
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThe BOE doesn't care about the kids. Neither does the Teachers Union. It's all bs.
May 8, 2014 at 9:34 AM
The only thing the teachers care about is there salaries.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteWhen they have these thugs that get kicked out of multiple schools, they need to be sent to a boot camp. That might straighten them out.
May 8, 2014 at 12:02 PM
The problem is you have John Fredericksen, Margo Handy, Mark Thompson, Mary Ashanti and the NAACP claiming that to many black kids are getting punished and white kids aren't. Now you are supposed to sweep crime under the rug just like Matt Maciarello, Barbara Duncan and Jim Ireton are doing to show that "crime is down." They have played the race card to death and it is pretty worn out now and I am getting sick and tired of hearing about being a racist because I am white.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeletewhat ever happened to innocent until proven guilty?
May 8, 2014 at 12:09 PM
Another F*n Liberal running their mouth on here. You and your kind are the reason this crime happened because you prefer to coddle and protect the criminal instead of the victim. If it was your young daughter that was raped by this thug, this know wannabe gang banger, this known criminal would you be crying about "innocent until proven guilty!"
Anon 9:35, that's what I said when I heard the beginning of it was on video. Who's monitoring these cameras? NO One. If the BOE could stay out of local restaurants & bars we wouldn't need "extra" money for monitors. There'd be a surplus. (Oops, that's a dirty word).
ReplyDeleteNot to mention WMDT mentioned it happened during 1st. period. Why were either one of them even out of class? BOE wants this to "go away". We need this hoodlum to go away, like a reform school until he's at least 21. Maybe he'll be found guilty.
ReplyDeleteI work in the security industry, and trust me, 5,000 dollars won't buy you much in the way of quality cameras. He's just blowing smoke trying to act like he's going to do something. Then, when he gets the bids for how much it'll really cost to put cameras in, he'll be singing the blues. He'll be telling the parents and the county that they have to shell out more cash to protect their children, while he still dines out on our dime.
ReplyDeleteI urge anyone who is a tax payer and/or has children in wicomico county school system to attend the next Board of Education meeting on Tuesday May 13th @ 7:00PM at the central office. EVERYONE needs to attend to get answers. WE ALL deserve answers to All the questions being asked. I have a child in the school system. I have to pay $40.00 for EVERY sport he plays and $4.00 everytime I go to watch the games. When I send him to school I EXPECT that he will be SAFE. Instead I am reading about a young girl being raped during school hours. I want to know why they have spent $160,000.00 + on gift cards and bars but they could not afford to have cameras and everything else needed to keep OUR children safe. I for one will be at the board meeting asking question and demanding answers. How about the rest of you?
ReplyDeleteAnd you will probably be alone. That's all half of these people do is complain but do nothing about it!
DeleteAnonymous Anonymous said...
ReplyDeletewhat ever happened to innocent until proven guilty?
May 8, 2014 at 12:09 PM
It's right up there with cops shooting dogs and people first and asking questions later.
The schools have become like prisons. Locked down during the day with camera's and police. I can't see how that can possibly be a good environment for learning.
ReplyDeleteIf we could just kick out the trouble makers like they did in past, there would be no need for all the crap that our kids have to put up with when they come to school.
Next thing will be backpacks that are totally transparent for all the world to see. No wonder more and more families are opting for either home schooling or private schools.
ReplyDeleteConsensual? She was reported to be 15, last I heard, consent age was a little bit higher!
This reminds me of the movie Lean On Me. Is this what our education buildings have come to. Fear of the students?
ReplyDeleteSafety first.
ReplyDelete1:03 Lemme guess…you own a gun or three and support the 2nd Amendment but not the 5th or 14th Amendment. Republican hypocrisy at it's finest. Everyone including this gangster wanna be thug is entitled to due process and is considered innocent until proven guilty.
ReplyDeleteIs that why when the police make a traffic stop they walk up to the vehicle with their hand on their firearm ready to draw...because we are innocent till proven otherwise?
DeleteTaxpayers pay for Choices alternative school, plus another program for kids who misbehave at Choices, plus night high school, plus countless social workers, plus behavioral intervention specialists, plus in school suspension staff, plus deputies, plus deans of students, plus pupil personnel workers, plus home school liaisons and more. Could it be time to expect some results beyond telling us what else we need to fund for out of control youth?
ReplyDeleteGeorge , I agree , but will also add something.
ReplyDeleteIn 1978 I moved my family to this area from the suburbs of D.C. to get away from the drugs.
Back then this area was fairly good , not much drug activity.
As time went by our legal system started screwing up and the lawyers got control . You can't even look at a student crossed eyed now without getting sued.
The BOE has used this "it's for the Kids" till I puke when I hear it . It is the race card of the BOE.
Teachers and their leaders have become lazy and unwilling to punish any student for fear of retaliation from the students or the leaders or even the media.
So what do you do now , I will give you my opinion , It is simply a black and white issue.
It is so obvious , but everyone is afraid to admit it.
12:13 Don't feed me that liberal crap. The kid was arrested for possession of a real gun. The SPD failed to follow up because they were afraid that the NAACP would play the race card. If the NAACP was really doing its job to advance colored people, they would try to get these thugs off the street. Go stick your head back in the sand.
ReplyDeleteI didn't even read any other comment... this is a joke right? You really think anything is going to change? It didn't change 15 years ago... it isn't going to change now. You have to want change before it can occur. If only they could find a way to make this go away... oh... yeah thats right... blame the victim.
ReplyDeleteI'm not getting how a student who attends school can have an outstanding warrant. How hard were they looking for him?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDelete...This is a no brainer for someone with brains.
May 8, 2014 at 9:29 AM
Well that eliminates all Democrats1
What some of you fail to realize is that if a teacher doesn't do as he/she is told (i.e., not send a kid to the office for discipline), the teacher can be transferred or fired. Maybe you don't need your job, but most people do. Teachers aren't happy about a lot of this stuff, but have no choice but to comply. (No, I am not a teacher.) School employees are accused of racism by blacks every day, but look at the statistics...more blacks are disciplined because they are frequently the ones that misbehave. Facts are facts. Why are we ignoring the truth? It's past time for Dr. Frederickson to go, but also the very racist Dr. Handy!
ReplyDeleteThen I can't get my gift card and have the tax payer pay for my lunch. Dam greedy people taken my money to pay for security cameras.
ReplyDelete17 on 15 YO is not rape in Maryland. There has to be 4 years difference in age. So, what he did was legal. Both were legally "invited" on the property, and that's it.
ReplyDeleteMaryland law. Real nice, huh?
Ready to leave yet?
12:09 would you feel the same way if it w a s your daughter?
ReplyDeleteI am not a teacher either, but folks, this is NOT ANY teacher's fault! The administration treats them like dirt. Do you think ANY teacher wants someone like this in their classrooms?
ReplyDeleteThings would be a lot different if the teachers had their way. I've known some lousy ones in all the years I've had contact with the schools, but most are very good, seriously.
Parents and teachers need to join together and stand up to the administrators. I know they have tough jobs, but they get paid good money to do them.
I agree with those who say Frederickson needs to go. He didn't impress me when he came on board. He impresses me less now, if that's possible.
"Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete1:03 Lemme guess…you own a gun or three and support the 2nd Amendment but not the 5th or 14th Amendment. Republican hypocrisy at it's finest. Everyone including this gangster wanna be thug is entitled to due process and is considered innocent until proven guilty.
May 8, 2014 at 3:12 PM"
"Republican hypocrisy?" How?
3:12-Innocent until proven guilty/presumption of innocence is a legal right of the accused in a criminal trial.
It has nothing to do with public opinion.
Leaders have given up trying to get some kids to behave. They've had more luck penalizing strong administrators and teachers who try to keep schools safe.
ReplyDelete8:14 PM
ReplyDeleteYou're either crazy or you did not word that correctly.
He has a right to due process but not the right to disrupt three high schools.
ReplyDeleteCameras are no good if no one monitors the monitors!
ReplyDelete3:37... Do you realize the hoops teachers and administration have to jump through to get a student into CHOICES? This is what should be made public, Joe. Oh and the fact that no students are placed this late in the year, regardless of how many hoops everyone has jumped through.
ReplyDelete"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteCameras are no good if no one monitors the monitors!
May 11, 2014 at 9:42 AM"
I saw it reported that the monitors aren't monitored all the time. Whomever released that bit of info., is a moron. This is not the type of info. the public needs to know, nor should they know.
The cameras record everything and in the event that no one is actively monitoring the camera it is still recorded for evidence. It doesn't prevent a crime but does provide evidence. What id a secretary in the office saw one person grab another person?
ReplyDeleteIs she going to run down the hall and stop the assault? NOT!
ReplyDeleteNot sure why they have their hand on their gun but I can tell tell you why they always put their hand on the rear of your vehicle when conducting a traffic stop. They are trained to do that to provide evidence that they stopped the vehicle in the event that it flees or they are incapacitated during the stop. I always ask them to wipe their fingerprints of my vehicle after being harassed and for the armchair trolls, I do not have a criminal history or anything other than minor traffic violations.
John Fredericksen would have been gone if Michelle Wright didn't stay on long enough to vote to keep him. They had a thing for each other.
ReplyDeleteThis guy needs to be relieved of his Job.. what a failure .. he presides over million dollar Progressive Shrines and seems to think he is unaccountable to the people.. time for a change ..The State of Maryland does not rule over the people of Wicomico County.. nor does the Union representing the Teachers.. Maryland has become a repository for Progressive trash ..period
ReplyDeleteThis is 8:14, and no, I am not crazy and I worded that as accurately as explained to me by Wicomico County Sheriff's Deputies.
ReplyDeleteLook it up.
11:20 Yeah, it would be a shame for the public to know just how inept this county is at protecting our children. FFS