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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Hill's Budowsky: Hillary Will Win Presidency Easily

Hillary Clinton will run for president on the Democratic ticket and win as many as 45 states in 2016, says Brent Budowsky, a noted columnist for The Hill.

"If she does run, and the odds are at least 75 or 80 percent that she does, she'll win a big victory, 45, 42, 43, 46, 38 [states]" Budowsky told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.

Budowsky says Democrats will have a big problem during the 2014 midterm elections, but as far as Clinton is concerned, 2016 is hers for the taking.

"Republicans have a big problem in 2016. Republicans face a demographic disaster and they face a candidate who's stronger than the crowd that they've got right now," he said Monday.



  1. I'm guessing this guy lives in Colorado...

  2. She won't win in 2016. She was practically gifted the 2008 Democratic nomination, and couldn't beat out a one term Senator. She has over a 50% disapproval rating. In a political term, she's toxic.

  3. Keep believing that 2:57, opinions like yours will put her in the White House.

  4. This women is as close to satan as one can get.
    After 5 years of pure hell with Obama , how in the hell could this country hold up with this female dog.
    Can't you see that women cannot be put in any position of importance within our government.
    It's so obvious , just look at the ones there now.

  5. Nope we will have the red pill

    It is the Republicans' turn to occupy the White House.

    The pendulum will be allowed to swing back to the right. Otherwise, the prisoners will become restless.

  6. As much as I despise Hillary I think she would have been a better President than the clown in charge now. At least she is a capitalist at heart, unlike Comrade Obama.
    I can only dream about how better off we would be as a nation if Mitt had won.

  7. Obama's first term proved him to be the most worthless, corrupt and ineffective president this country has ever suffered thru. Between ignorant voters and massive fraud, he was re-elected. After that, I'll never under-estimate a democrat's ability to 'win' an elected office.

  8. 445-What opinion?

  9. God help us all if she wins.

  10. "...what difference does it make?!"

  11. The global warming crowd will push her over the top.

  12. If conservatives don't realize that the Republican Party is in desperate need of change, then they will get what they deserve. Hillary will be our next president IF that message is ignored. I have so many family members that were lifelong Republicans that are now registered Independents because the Party has become such an embarassment!


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