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Monday, May 12, 2014

Texas officer who shot dead armed 93-year-old woman fired from force

Texas officials have voted to fire a police officer who shot dead an armed 93-year-old woman during a confrontation at her home.

The city council unanimously voted on Saturday that Officer Stephen Stem should be removed from the force after killing Pearlie Golden on Tuesday.

It took less than half an hour for the council to take the vote, which came after Hearne mayor Ruben Gomez told demonstrators he could recommend Stem be dismissed.



  1. B/C I wear a badge does not make me a BAD-A$$May 12, 2014 at 1:28 PM

    We need more of this action....

  2. here we go again, more cops out of control

  3. She shot 2 rounds at a cop and was killed in clear self defense. The officer will own that town after his wrongful termination lawsuit.

  4. The reports are that the woman fired two rounds off. A 93 year old can shoot you as easy as a 10 year old. If someone shoots at the police, it is likely they will shoot back. The termination may look good to the public, but may not be the right decision.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    She shot 2 rounds at a cop and was killed in clear self defense. The officer will own that town after his wrongful termination lawsuit.

    May 12, 2014 at 2:19 PM

    This young punk cop has killed two people in his whole two years of employment for this town. The first one wasn't armed. He, and a lot of other 'cops', need to find new careers. This one is not suited for them.

  6. 2:19 PM

    where does in say she fired at anyone, much less the cop, in this article?

  7. Her own nephew is the one called after she threatened him with the loaded gun. He stated the officer made repeated attempts to tell the woman to drop the weapon and his aunt fired off two rounds at/near the officer. Doesn't matter if this woman was 93 or 23, she fired at a police officer.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    She shot 2 rounds at a cop and was killed in clear self defense. The officer will own that town after his wrongful termination lawsuit.

    May 12, 2014 at 2:19 PM

    Her nephew, who was the one who called 911, stated she fired two shots into the GROUND.

    Now, unless the cops was lying on his back next to her, she never fired AT him.

    The cop looks too young and sloppy to even carry a gun, much less be a cop.

  9. Has anyone noticed how different elderly people have become? Reading about 80+ year old people doing everything from selling drugs to shooting at people is becoming commonplace.Maybe it's time to stop judging these events in accordance with the age of the perp & begin judging them by the infractions they've committed only.

  10. I dunno, 728, just those two in the last 5 years; maybe one more. Plenty more trigger happy cop stories out there than these.

    Let's let the Rangers make a report first.

  11. This clearly is not a case of "trigger happy cops". Get shot at repeatedly and see if you don't defend yourself.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    This clearly is not a case of "trigger happy cops". Get shot at repeatedly and see if you don't defend yourself.

    May 13, 2014 at 6:23 AM

    the cop did NOT get shot at, much less repeatedly. lol


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