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Monday, May 05, 2014

Supreme Court Decision in N.Y Case Clears Way For Carroll County Commissioners To Pray

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday upheld the right of government entities to hold sectarian prayers ahead of public meetings, a decision that will allow the Carroll County board of commissioners to resume observances that had previously been blocked by a federal court.

In a 5-4 vote, the high court held that the town of Greece in New York State did not violate the U.S. Constitution's ban on government endorsement of religion by allowing prayers before its monthly meetings — even if those prayers invoke the name of Jesus or other inherently Christian themes.

A U.S. District court judge had ordered the Carroll County commissioners to stop opening meetings with prayers to Jesus Christ in March after several people who attended the meetings sued, arguing the prayers contradicted their views and made them uncomfortable.


  1. With this ruling they have opened the door to Muslin prayers at our government functions. Still think it is a good idea?
    They were very specific that you cannot champion Christianity over other religions.
    It will be obligatory to have prayers from ALL other religions.
    Careful your celebration.

  2. I guess you and the other religions will have to step outside when our Christian based country has prayer. Don't like it...move somewhere where somebody else wants to put up with your crap.


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