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Saturday, May 10, 2014

Study Looks At Native Bees On Md.'s Eastern Shore

BETHESDA, Md. (AP) -- Scientists from the University of Delaware and the U.S. Geological Survey are conducting a census of native bees in Maryland and Delaware.

They're collecting bees from scores of sites, including more than a dozen owned by The Nature Conservancy, to check them for health and diversity.

Nature Conservancy spokeswoman Lindsay Mayer says that while much has been written about dwindling numbers of non-native honeybees, researchers are also interested in the health and diversity of native bees.

Mayer says the study will also help determine the health of bee habitat.


  1. They will claim that the bees are dying from "Global Warming", but the real reason is from varroa mites

  2. There were almost none in recent years but I have seen a slow come back including today.

  3. our neighborhood is over run with Bumble bees.They aren't aggressive.

  4. Smart meter radio waves


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