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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Source: Donald Sterling Refuses To Pay Fine, Threatens To Sue NBA

Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling has sent a letter to the National Basketball Association telling the league he won't pay his $2.5 million fine and rejecting his lifetime ban, a source close to the situation said Friday.

The letter also threatens the NBA with a lawsuit if Sterling's punishment for making racist remarks, handed down by NBA Commissioner Adam Silver in April, is not rescinded, the source said.

"We reject your demand for payment," the letter says, according to Sports Illustrated.


  1. NAAWP-NAtional Assoc.Advancement of White PeopleMay 16, 2014 at 11:43 AM

    Good for Him....

  2. Good for him. I hope he gets to keep his team and doesn't pay the fine. He has a right to his opinion. I hope LeBron and the rest of the bunch don't play and lose their salary. This reverse discrimination by the liberal community has to stop. If someone says something today that differs with mainstream thinking, they can look forward to a public castration. Remember, one day you may be the one that says the "wrong" thing.

  3. Good for him... He was set up from the beginning.

  4. Legally he will win and his lawyers have told him so. A man that rich and that powerful can destrot you without even leaving his chair.

  5. He didn't say what he said in public. He had a right to expect privacy where he was. A number of his rights were violated by someone else - his improperly obtained statements were used against him...most courts throw stuff like that out - not to be re-heard again!

    I don't think what he said was right - but he has a right to it!

    He should be allowed to keep his team..and his money.

    If the other intolerants don't want to work for this intolerant, they should axe to be traided.

  6. As he should.Where the first amendment people have died for does anyone get off demanding someone lose their property over what they say.

  7. I couldn't work for this guy no matter how much money he offered me now that I see his true colors shining through.

  8. Go For It Donald!! Many of us support you!!

  9. Sterling is like a shark that smells blood and it's hilarious.He knows they stand alone after failing to get the might of the country behind them.My question,the head scratcher of the day is why exactly did they think we would back this farce? The comments under this post represent the consensus of Americans in general.Now that the smoke has cleared,those who originally backed this are falling by the wayside,leaving a select few standing around looking like idiots.

  10. The NBA is a franchise system with franchise rules. He defamed the parent of the franchise and does not have a leg to stand on in court. He will get creamed. Dude isn't racist thought...he deranged

  11. 3:55 He is not deranged but Mr. Bundy out in Nevada is.

  12. He is under attack from the Guggenheim Family who have Magic's Johnson working for them.

    He doesn't have a chance. They will take him down.

  13. The criminal is the one who taped and then released a PRIVATE conversation to the media...why don't we hear someone crying foul over that???

  14. I dont get it what he said really was not racist at all. Anyone who has ever spent two minutes in a college or pro locker room has heard wayyyy worse trust me. You will hear all six versions of the "N" word. I can assure you the ten white players on the N.F.L. team are not uttering the word. The one White player on each N.B.A. team is not using the word.

    The guy is entitled to feel whatever he wants. I am boycotting basketball. Michael J. recently did a story on how he did not like White people. Really lol

  15. This isn't even a contest. The nba will be the big loser here, he knows he will win and I hope he jams them, just like Ringling brothers did to the animal rights groups....

  16. >>>He defamed the parent of the franchise and does not have a leg to stand on in court.<<<

    So, you goofballs think it is 'OK' to deny someone their rights and property because of something they said in an ILLEGALLY taped conversation? You are scary stupid. Sounds like Stalinist Russia. Why is this acceptable thinking in this country?

  17. "I couldn't work for this guy no matter how much money he offered me now that I see his true colors shining through."

    Bwaahahaha - I'm sure Sterling is losing sleep over that one! Idiot.

  18. 2:24, you couldn't work for this guy knowing how he feels, well where do you work?? If you work at a place that is involved in Affirmative Action, then there are already those feelings in the place! No white person likes that blacks get the jobs, promotions, and any other preferential treatment over them, so welcome to the real world! Most whites don't like blacks!

  19. OK,the clip is empty and all of the bullets have been fired.Now some judge will have to decide if the constitution still applies in this case(which of course it does unless we were taken over by a communist country while we slept)This should be real interesting to follow.I'm afraid that everyone who thought this guy would crumble under the weight has greatly underestimated him.

  20. He ought to sue ESPN and Tony Kornheiser just to see what they say when the shoe is on their foot?


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