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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Someone Is Lying: Obama Says Not Arming Syrian Rebels, Syrian Rebels Say He Is

As we noted yesterday, President Obama is saying he is contemplating arming and training Syrian rebels (just the 'moderates' which will be identified by their smiles). However, as the following PBS Frontline documentary exposes, the Syrian rebels themselves say they are already armed and trained by US in the use of sophisticated weapons and fighting techniques, including, one rebel said, "how to finish off soldiers still alive after an ambush." The interviews are the latest evidence that after more than three years of warfare, the United States has stepped up the provision of lethal aid to the rebels, as PBS notes "it appears the Obama administration is allowing select groups of rebels to receive US-made anti-tank missiles." So who is lying? Obama (again) or the Syrian rebels (who show US-made supplies in the following clips).



  1. There is one thing that Obama has been able to convince me of...
    He is a contemptuous LIAR.
    There is not doubt he is supporting our enemies. HE is an enemy of America. HE is reigning over the destruction of America and our values and he is doing it from within, according to the writings of Marx and Engels.

    But, as long as Syria is pre-occupied with it's own self destruction, it is not a threat to Israel and it is a threat to Russia's aims at another Supreme Soviet.

  2. Obama is lying for sure - if his mouth is moving, he's lying.

  3. There's no need to start telling the truth about ANYTHING now.After 6 years of continuous lies what would be the point?

  4. I would tend to believe the Syrian rebels since everything else I have ever heard come from the community organizers pie hole has been a lie.

  5. someone's lying huh? Obama or Syria; let me see...NO doubt it's Obama. There should be NO question here.

  6. No Contest - Lib dems lie every word out of their mouths

  7. HMMMMM - let's see OBAMA is a COMPULSIVE LIAR - so I would say that you should believe the REBELS!!!


  8. Who to believe? Islamic rebels who crucify Christian children or the world's all time biggest liar?

    Survey says: BO smells!


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