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Thursday, May 08, 2014

Should they stay or should they go?

A Republican senator accuses the Obama administration of a go-it-alone strategy on immigration after two agencies announce new rules for foreign immigrant spouses. The departments of Homeland Security and Commerce propose letting spouses of high-skilled immigrants work in the United States. Department leaders say the move will keep top talent in the country. The plan would affect fewer than 100,000 people. But Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) accuses the departments of overreach on a hot-button issue.


  1. If you have been here for six years and are "highly skilled" and have not been able to pass your citizenship test, then you really don't want to be an American, and you need to go back home. We don't need your freeloading butts here.

    Have a nice trip.

  2. OMG... when does someone in the House put their foot down? This man needs to be stopped before it is too late.


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