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Friday, May 23, 2014

Salisbury Council Plans To Offer Pre-Meeting Prayer

SALISBURY — With the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that prayer before government meetings is Constitutional earlier this month, the Salisbury City Council has agreed to return to a prayer policy of inviting various denominations to give a blessing at the beginning of meetings.

The council has tried the policy before without much success after dropping the Lord’s Prayer as the sole benediction back in 2011. Meetings have opened with a moment of silence since that time.

Council President Jake Day brought the matter up Monday, directly referencing the Supreme Court decision. The court ruled 5-4 that prayer before government meetings was Constitutional as long as members of the audience were not coerced to participate and an attempt was made to include diverse faiths.


  1. His truth will endure through all generations!
    His merci is everlasting!
    Make a joyful noise unto the Lord all ye lands!

  2. Well that should make everything much better now! No more problems in Salisbury to worry about.

  3. Take God out welcome abomination in...how is hell working for you?

  4. wanna take something out of council meetings to make them better, best most of the council & mare stay home.

  5. I think, may be, I have been wrong about all this prayer stuff. Christians keep blaming how horrible the world is because we've "removed God" from everything, as if a forced prayer is the fix it all.

    I have seen the error of supporting liberty and freedom. I am now supporting these forced prayers being put back in schools, government etc, just to shut the whiners up.

    And, when things don't change one iota, I will expect some sort of explanation from you religious folks as to why.

    I'm sure the answer will be more religion.. and more religion... and more indoctrination... until this country is no longer a liberty loving free society, but a theocracy ruled under religious tyranny... but, that's really what you are after isn't it?

    Why don't you admit you have no interest in freedom or liberty, you really want to force your religious views on the world, and force everyone to walk lock step with you. Why don't you just admit it... at least then you would be being honest.

  6. Grow Up 6:24. Prayer has never hurt anyone. Everyone should familiarize themselves with prayers of all different faiths. This makes for a more sophisticated, cosmopolitan person who then, is more at ease when and if ever exposed to different countries and/or cultures.
    As a child Mother made sure I was exposed to as many faiths and cultures as possible. We spent summer vacations at Grossinger's (Jewish) resort in the Catskills, though we were raised Christian. We were exposed to the Muslim faith when Mother's best friend married a man, while she was living in Turkey working for the State Dept.
    I have been told many times, my self confidence is astounding and it has taken me far in life. I attribute this to being able to feel comfortable in any situation and around all people. I'm not intimidated by anything or anyone.

  7. @9:40

    It matters not how many different kinds of snake oil you drink, flavors or brands. It's still all snake oil.

    And while I have no problem with people learning and understanding different cultures and practices, it doesn't mean I support forcing people to sit through a worship ritual for Zeus, or Posiden, or any other imaginary being.

    Also, prayer has never hurt anyone? How about the children of people who think prayer heals and medical science is evil? The children suffer horribly and die? Prayer is pointless, it convinces people who are doing NOTHING about something that they are contributing to a solution. It has never solved, nor accomplished anything.

  8. I'm sure you folks will still be thrilled about this the first time a Muslim imam offers a prayer before a city council meeting.

  9. I've gone with a friend who mentors to several high school graduation ceremonies at predominately African American high schools in Baltimore. You would think you were at a church service. How come no one ever says anything about that?

  10. Anonymous said...
    I'm sure you folks will still be thrilled about this the first time a Muslim imam offers a prayer before a city council meeting.

    May 24, 2014 at 1:14 PM

    It's done in the White House daily.

  11. No one is forcing anyone to sit through anything. Don't go! Oh & Thank you ms michtell

  12. @7:59

    How could you reasonably think that?

    If someone wants to be part of our legislative/government process.... how could you possibly think that they are NOT being FORCED to HEAR/PARTICIPATE in a COMPULSORY prayer? How could you possibly think that that isn't EXACTLY what is happening?

    If you say they don't HAVE to be there, then by rights, they have no say or impact do they, they are being excluded... right?

    Why not just admit that you don't give one hoot about freedom or liberty, and you would prefer to force your particular brand of religiousity on the masses, eliminating our free society and turning it into a religious theocracy....

    Admit that you don't care one iota about freedom or liberty.. and that you only care about forcing your religious agenda upon all of this country.. so much so that liberty and freedom are consumed by the tyrannical theocracy you wish it was.

    At least THEN, you would have a shred of honesty about you.


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