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Friday, May 16, 2014

Roommates Buy Lumpy Used Couch, Find $40K In Cash

For all the screaming and carrying on, their neighbors thought they'd won the lottery. But it was a lumpy old sofa stuffed with $40,000 in cash that had three young roommates raising a ruckus.

And here's the other side of the ticket: They returned the money to the 91-year-old widow whose couch had been given away.

"We just pulled out envelopes and envelopes," said Cally Guasti, a social worker with Family of Woodstock who shares an apartment with two friends in New Paltz, 75 miles north of New York City. "My mouth was literally hanging open -- everybody's was -- it was an unfathomable amount."


  1. It's great that there are honest people in the world.

  2. That was stupid, what on earth is a 90 year old going to do with that kind of cash?? All she is going to do is leave it to some nephew or other relative!

  3. Just because you have never had or earned $40k , why do you have to be so negative against a woman that saved her money?

  4. 7:27 You missed the point completely.

  5. Very nice and moral action on the part so those young people. Kudos to you! I wish for good Karma to come your way.

  6. I don't know if I could honestly give back, just being honest

  7. Back in the late 80's an auction in Seaford (Dan DeCarlo) had just finished. A friend asked for help in loading a heavy buffet/cabinet into his truck. When we (group of guys) grabbed it, it ended up taking about 5 guys to lift it inside. Several times over the years, I asked him about that heavy piece of furniture and finally one day, he fessed up. He said the bottom was hollow and filled with silver dollars, about 2,000, if I remember the # correctly. And yes, he kept them. This is the first time I've told the story and will never give his name. As previously stated, there's really good junk (valuable) to be found at auctions. Wish I could tell the real stories because you'd never believe them, nor would the many antique dealers that I've known.


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