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Friday, May 30, 2014

Rising Health Care Costs- Enough to Make You Sick

One of my best friends, going back to 6th grade, died in April.

He worked as a heavy-equipment mechanic, even as he soldiered through many rounds of exhausting chemotherapy treatments. He remained incredibly strong and fit, mentally and physically. Throughout most of this ordeal, he looked and sounded like he would beat the odds, but he didn’t.

His wife and three school-aged children started packing after his funeral. A long battle with cancer had eaten away their savings. Their home had been foreclosed. They would soon be evicted.

They had medical insurance. They had worked hard all their lives. Friends, family, and co-workers sent them checks and put on a fundraiser, raising tens of thousands of dollars. It would never be enough to keep pace with the mounting medical bills that were not covered by insurance.



  1. THAT is EXACTLY how this administration wants it to happen.
    The insurance companies get rich, banks get rich, SSI doesn't pay benefits --- the only losers are the hard working Americans who had this boondoggle shoved down their throat. It is working exactly as planned.
    It's only Harry Reid, Obama, and their democrat cohorts (who NEVER will have to worry about losing THEIR home or getting substandard care -- or no care at all) who think Americans are LYING when these stories come to light.
    Only revolution will clean this den of snakes out.
    Just as Thomas Jefferson predicted and ENCOURAGED.

  2. Hey, 10:30 - after you get done overthrowing the government, then what are you going to do? What's the plan? How would you fix it?

    They've fixed it in Europe but I'm going to predict you're not going to wild about how they did it.

  3. Please don't fall into the trap.. In Maryland insurance companies are regulated. CareFirst the largest in the region is a not for profit and operates on less than a 2% margin. Can your business do that? Now that of course is not the case in every State. But to understand the entire picture, you need to understand the components. Hospitals are playing a significant role in the collapse of the healthcare industry. Tort law and the amount of insurance Doctors and hospitals need to carry in order to fight the frivolous law suits, prescription company's and the fact that they sell drugs in Canada and Mexico for 1/10 of what they sell them for in the US. At the end of the day as 10:30 said, this is what the Administration wanted. The reality is that this is right out of the Socialist play book... Control Healthcare and you control 1/16 of the total economy.

  4. Fixed it in Europe, huh? Do you mean with unreal taxes, 6-18 month wait for elective surgery, or a huge underclass of unemployed people who are sucking the life out of their economies?? Is THAT the fix you are praising? Not much of a fix, as I see it.
    As far as the plan AFTER the revolution, I think we could start with actually adhering to the Constitution. That's a start.
    And the bodies of all those politicians hanging from all the lamp posts and trees MIGHT be a lesson to future "career" public servants.


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