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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Report: 1,700 Vets Left Off VA Hospital Wait List

Navy veteran Ken Senft turned to the Department of Veterans Affairs for medical care in 2011 after his private insurance grew too costly. It could have been a fatal mistake, he now says.

A few years ago, the 65-year-old had a lesion on his head. He went to a VA clinic near his home outside Phoenix, but he said the doctor told him it could be two years before he might get an appointment with a dermatologist.

So he paid out of pocket to see a private physician. Turns out, he had cancer.

"What if I had waited two years?" Senft said in frustration. "I might be dead."


  1. Firings don't fool any of us I hope.Scapegoats are established to dupe stupid people,and the longer this admin goes on the more people are wising up.Like everything else it originated at the highest level.Obama is at the heart of it all.

  2. The federal government is in a shambles. Once again a symptom of the obama admin. He has set the tone by his own actions of unprofessionalism. He is nothing but a lying ghetto play baby and his admin is following suit. They know there will be no accountability. obama's best suited playing basketball and hanging out with other crap like rap "artists." Anything above that, requires intellectual ability which he does not possess.

  3. Actually, the beginning of the "death panels" of which Sarah Palin spoke. We already had them. VA care is what OBcare is like. A small sampling.

  4. I've never ever thought ha was smart

  5. It cracks me up that everybody is all over this now, and this is Phoenix. WAKE up people the VA right here in CAMBRIDGE is a JOKE!!!!! Same stuff happens right here under your noses every day. Don't believe me - ask a vet that goes there for the half assed care they receive. Try going to your Dr at the Cambridge VA and being told that you need an X-Ray that you have to got to Baltimore to get! Yeah that is how the VA in MD works!!!!!


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